Charles Gasparino

Charles Gasparino


Indoor mask mandates would choke big banks coming back to NYC

It was supposed to be the summer when things returned to at  least “kinda normal” here in the Big Apple.  

Lots of us have received the vaccine, and Wall Street’s biggest firms (JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs) have been boasting about their own form of herd immunity, with around 90 per🍎🌜cent of their workforces vaccinated, senior execs at the firms tell me.

The financial industry — a major driver of the city’s economy — was slowly bringing its people (and their hefty salaries) back to the office to spread the wealth of a booming stock market to local businesses.

Not so fast. Word on the street is the CEOs of the big banks are growing anxious for an obvious reason — the rapidly spreading Delta variant of the corona­virus. And also a somewhat less obvious one: The propensity of elected officials here to screw up the public-policy ­response to the virus.

That means there’s a real possibility that the New York financial industry — the economic engine of the state and in many ways the country — could crawl back into its 2020 fetal position and delay returning to the office until well into the fall or possibly nex🉐t year, senior execs at these firms rel𓄧uctantly concede.

Big-bank CEOs including (from left) Jamie Dimon, David Solomon and James Gorman — who are helping lead NYC’s economic comeback — fear the COVID Delta variant and stifling new mandates from Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio could derail the turnaround.
Big-bank CEOs including (from left) Jamie Dimon, David Solomon and James Gorman — who are helping lead NYC’s economic comeback — fear the Delta variant and stifling new mandates from Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio could derail the turnaround.Pool/AFP via Getty Images; AFP via Getty Images; Getty Imaℱges for New York Times

I want to underscore the word “reluctantly” because the CEOs of the banks that have begun to tell their employees to get back to the office really do want to keep it that way. Yes, there is a reason why JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley — the banks with the strictest ­return-to-work policies — are 🔜the crème de la crème of Wall Street.

Each has a culture of teamwork and excellence, and the people running the banks know both are difficult to achieve with Zoom meetings. Each firm has instituted the most rigorous back-to-office mandates in corporate America. Goldman and JPM are demanding that many employees return immediately. Morgan Stanley wants its people back in the office by Labor Day.

On the positive side of the Delta outbreak, New York City area hospitalization levels remain low. Those admitted to area ICUs are mostly unvaccinated, while most Wall Street workers got the shot. ­So-called breakthrough cases result in mild ✨or no symptoms.

But there’s always a “but” when it comes to the public-policy response of our elected officials, particularly here in New York. Comrade Bill de Blasio won’t be mayor this time next year, but he officially doesn’t leave office until January. On top of that, we still have Gov. Cuomo to muck things up for at least 18 more months𒊎. ꦛ;

While hospitalizations from COVID-19 remain low, Gov. Andrew Cuomo can easily shut down Midtown Manhattan with another mask mandate.
While hospitalizations from COVID-19 remain low, Gov. Andrew Cuomo can easily shut down Midtown Manhattan with another mask mandate. Robert Miller

Both deserve low marks for the harsh lockdowns that turned a nearly deserted Midtown Manhattan — the epicenter of our business community — into a playground for criminals and the homeless last year and contꦯinue to hamper our recovery now.

One worry at the banks is that the dynamic duo do it again, returning us to business closures or something less Draconian but still destructive to large businesses like massive indoor-mask mandates. And it’s something everꦦy big firm is planning to address with possible delayed reopenings, even if publicly they will tell 🍰you there are no “plans” to change course.

Good thing for New Yorkers that bank execs give low odds of a second harsh lockdown. The economic and political price would be severe since so many New Yorkers know what Cuomo and de Blasio ignored in 2020; non-lockdown states (Florida and Texas) fared better from a bus༺iness standpoint and 🀅not drastically different from a COVID standpoint than we did. 

A more likely, and still worrisome, response would be the return of the indoor-mask mandate, Wall Street executives tell me. Los Angeles just implemented one and California Gov. Gavin Newsom is weighing a statewide edict. 

Cuomo has a history of following Newsom’s disastrous COVID policies, thus a real concern among bank executives is that he will do so when it comes to masks. The problem with masks: It’s difficult and maybe impossible to integrate thousands of people — the size of the New York banking workforce — in an office environment with 🦂their faces covered all day. 

“It defeats the purpose,” one bank CEO told me. “Masking will definitely change reopening plans🌌.”

Part of me wants to think our el🧸ected officials have learned somethi😼ng from 2020. Then again, this is Cuomo and de Blasio we’re talking about, and Wall Street is at least planning for the worst.