
Australians partied their Olympic butts off in Tokyo

Australian athletes took partying to a new level inside the Olympic Village in🍸 Tokyo.

Olympians from Australia’s rowing and rugby teams reportedly partied so hard over the weekend that their rooms were left in ruins after they departed the village, according to , including .

As a result of drunken, “unacceptable behavior,” the damage included a hole in the wall, broken cardboard beds and vomit that reportedly required a clean-up crew.

At one point during the extra-curricular activities, Australian team mascots, including an emu and a kangaroo, went missing for days. The💧y were later recovered from the neighboring German team’s village.

Australian team chief Ian Chesterman acknowledged the situation, noting the rooms “were not completely trashed.”

“Some young people made a mistake, they had left the rooms in a condition that was unacceptable,” Chesterman , according to , adding that the damage was “minor,” and it’s “not the hardest thing to break the cardboard bed.”

Australian rugby team
Members of the Australian rugby team were accused of partying and trashing their rooms before leaving the Olympic village. AP

“I’ve had expressions of great remorse from a number of athletes who were involved in these incidents. They feel disappointed they have contributed to this conversation about behavioral matters in a team that has been exceptional on and off the field,” Chesterman said.

In response to the missing mascot mystery, Chesterman made light of t💮he situation by cracking🐈 a few jokes.

“We were just about to get the ‘Wanted’ signs around the village and post a reward for their return,” he said, adding he believes the mascots went missing around July 28th. “I … understand they enjoyed a pleasant holiday in Deutschland. The mascots enjoy holidays in the village from time to time. But we are very pleased they are back.”

The weekend partying reportedly disturbed fellow Olympians still competing in the Summer Games. Ten Australian athletes were required to temporarily isolate and undergo COVID-19 testing for intermingling wi✱th athletes outside of their rooms — an🎃 Olympic no-no, due to health and safety protocols amid the pandemic. ꧑

Chesterman reported all athletes returned negative COVID-1ꦡ9 tests. He added that any punishment would be delivered by the athletes’ national federations.

Australian Olympic Committee Chief Executive Officer Matt Carroll called the situation “disappointing” and said he had received reports from the CEOs of rugby and football, investigating reports of disorderly behavior on a flight into Sydney last Friday.

Rugby Australia, according to Yahoo Sports, said Tuesday it had launched its own investigation after being informed by Australian team officials of “unacceptable” behavior by rugby and football players on the flight home from the Olympics.

Japan 🦂Airlines reported🦩ly sent a to the Australian Olympic Committee.