Sex & Relationships

How to make your Hinge voice prompts sound hot on the dating app

It’s like your own mini podcast — only everyone you want to hook up with gets to hear it.

Dating apps are moving to audio-friendly formats where users can now record their own voices and upload them to their profiles. They offer potential suitors 🌄a whole new way to judge mat🍸ches, as well as new minefields to avoid in search of the One.

“It’s a chance to show off your personality and a chance to hear how boring someone else can be,” San Francisco-based dog trainer Coco Noel told The Post, referring to the new Voice Prompt feature on connected to prompts like “Believe it or not, I” or “My biggest date fail.”

Still, the 39-year-old said she initially felt self-conscious and unsure how to approach the voice recording. She almost did a Pinocchio impression in the hopes that it would make her stand out, then thought better of it. She ultimately recorded a simple “You should not go out with me if we’re related” one-liner to show off her sense of humor.

Hinge user Coco Noel is a fan of the app’s newest voice features. Courtesy of Coco Noel

That’s probably a good thing, according to Caroline Spiegel, CEO and founder of , a popular audio-erotica app.

“If you’re funny, then be funny, but don’t try too hard,” the 24-year-old said. “Whatever you do, don’t put on a fake or embellished accent.”

Others have been hesitant to try Hinge’s Voice Prompt feature — which can be accessed on the most updated version of the app by going to Settings > Edit Profile > Voice Prompt — because they don’t like the way they sound.

“I don’t enjoy hearing my own voice,” said Annie Henry, a 25-year-old tech startup employee and Hinge user based in Philadelphia.

She’s concerned that if others were to judge the way she talks by her own “pretty selective” standards, she would miss out on matches.

Henry’s not wrong to worry: According to Hinge, half of users have been turned off after hearing a potential partner’s voice for the first time, noting they’ve felt either “annoyed, uncomfortable or disgusted.”

Annie Henry hasn’t tried the new voice feature on Hinge yet, admitting she doesn’t enjoy hearing her own voice. Courtesy of Annie Henry

But by not speakiღng up, daters may be missing out.

Unlike standard written prompts that often skew generic — face it, your love of chicken parm or “The Office” is not exactly earth-shattering — voice recordings can offer a lively way to show off your personality, Spiegel said.

She listens to about 100 voice samples a week for 🅠her steamy business, so she knows a thing or two about making your pipes a pitch-perfect turn-on.

“Don’t worry about having a hot voice,” she said. “Just let your energy come naturally. People can tell so much from your voice and will pick up on your vibe.”

Spiegel, who is single and plans to use the audio feature on her own Hinge profile, says it’s more important to think about the image you’re trying to project.

“It’s very important to know your brand here. Are you goofy? Are you a jock? Think about what you’re trying to communicate to your audience and be genuine with that,” she said.

Another key piece of advice: Keep the audio short. While Hinge lets users go on for 30 seconds, Spiegel says that’s “way too much time.” Instead, aim for half of that or even less.

Quinn CEO and founder Caroline Spiegel stresses to keep audio messages short and on-brand. Courtesy of Caroline Spiegel

“I wouldn’t do a full life story,” she said, noting that Quinn users decide whether or not they like her company’s naughty narrations in just five or six seconds.

Despite that short window, it’s important that you “do not rush” the recording, she advised.

“Otherwise you will come across as not confident and not relaxed. Just take a second, say hi and introduce yourself or answer a question prompt,” she said.

“You can even acknowledge that you find it weird to be making a voice memo.”

Reluctant to put ℱhis voice on tape, Morꦍry Kolman, a 25-year-old resident of Park Slope, decided to get creative with the new audio function.

“I thought, this is a great opportunity to ‘Rick-roll’ somebody,” the political media worker said. And so Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” now rings out from his profile in lieu of his own voice.

“Shockingly, no, I haven’t had any matches yet.”