What to expect in baseball’s next Hall of Fame votes without the usual villains

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The dust hasn’t even begun to settle on Tuesday’s outrage-inducing voting res🐬ults for the Baseball Hall of🔯 Fame, but l🗹et’s take a stab at predicting the coming years of the BBWAA ballot.

While Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Curt Schilling and a few others now await their fates from the various Hall of Fame reviewing committees to see whether they eventually will be enshrined in Cooperstown, the baseball writers will move forward after electing just one player – longtime Red Sox DH David Ortiz – over the past two voting cycles.

Before we get into the upcoming ballots, know that all 10 of The Post’s eligible voters checked off the boxes of Bonds and Clemens. I admittedly did not vote for them in their first several years of eligibility, but once Steroids Era commissioner Bud Selig was inducted in 2017 – not to ♑mention wid👍ely suspected PED users Mike Piazza, Ivan Rodriguez and Jeff Bagwell – my approach was changed to include the only seven-time MVP in baseball history (Bonds) and the only seven-time Cy Young winner (Clemens) on my ballot for each of the past five years.