Jacob Sullum

Jacob Sullum


TSA’s just-extended mask mandate has never made any sense

The federal rule that requires air travelers to wear face masks, which the Transportation Security Administration first imposed more than a year ago, was scheduled to expire this Friday. But the TSA extended the requirement for at least another month, fo♛r reasons even harde♏r to understand than the original rationale for the mask mandate.

That is saying a lot, because the scientific justification for the TSA’s rule has always been weak, given that the conditions on airplanes are  to COVI🌠D-19 transmission. The ventilation systems on commercial aircraft, which mix outdoor air with air recycled through HEPA filters and limit airflow between rows, help explain why there were few outbreaks associated with commercial flights even before vaccines were available.

“The risk of contracting COVID-19 during air travel is low,” an October 2020  in The Journal of the American🍰 Medical Association noted. “Despite substantial numbers of travelers, the number of suspected and confirmed cases of in-flight COVID-19 transmission between passengers around the world appears small.”

Sebastian Hoehl, a researcher at the Institute for Medical Virology at Goethe University Frankfurt in Germany, concurred in an interview with Scientific American the following month. “An airplane💫 cabin is probably one♔ of the most secure conditions you can be in,” he .

Southwest CEO Gary Kelly recently testified that masks don’t increase passengers’ safety and that the cabin environment is already safe. AP

Southwest Airlin𝓀es CEO Gary Kelly reiterated that point during a Senate hearin♏g in December. “I think the case is very strong that masks don’t add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment,” he said. “It is very safe and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting.”

American Airlines CEO Do♛ug Parker agreed. “An aircraft is the safesꦫt place you can be,” he said. “It’s true of all of our aircraft — they all have the same HEPA filters and airflow.”

On Feb. 25, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stopped recommending general indoor masking in parts of the country it rates ;“low” or “medium” risk, which as of last week covered more than 98% of the US population. According to the CDC, then, it is safe to dispense with masks in stores, churches, schools, bars and restaurants — environments where the risk of virus transmission 🌸is much higher than it is on airplanes.

American Airlines CEO Doug Parker said that an aircraft is the safest place you could be. Getty Images

Yet the TSA said it extended its mask rule “at CDC’s recommendation” so the agency could develop “a revised policy framework” based on “the latest science.” Mask rules for transportation are complicated, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, because people are “moving from one zone to another” — an explanation that makes little sense when virtually the entire country is in the same “zone” as far as the C෴DC’s mask advice goes.

The TSA’s mask mandate has predictably led to much unpleasantness, driving a surge in disputes between travelers and flight attendants. For every obnoxious passenger who , berates or  the mandate’s enforcers, there are many others who quietly resent this thinly justified 🅘imposition, especially when it compels them to force masks on .

That expectation is especially difficult to justify since the risk to children from🧜 COVID-19 is infinitesima🐻l even if they are not vaccinated — smaller than the risk of  if their parents decide to avoid mask hassles by driving instead of flying.

Mask mandates have caused a surge in passenger disputes on aircraft. Getty Images

Adult travelers, meanwhile, can protect themselves by getting vaccinated and, if th▨ey are especially cautious, by wearing high-quality, well-fitting masks, regardless of what everyone else is doing.

The Association of Flight Attendants nevertheless urged the TSA to retain the mask rule. The AFA’s enthusiasm for  is of a piece with its enthusiasm for : Back in 2005, when the TSA began letting passengers carry small scissors and short screwdrivers, the union warned that “the aisles will be running with bl꧟ood.”

In that case, calmer heads prevailed. But more than two decades after 9/11, US travelers are still saddled with&n🐻bsp;. The mask rule is just the latest example.

The TSA says it extended its mask mandate at the CDC’s recommendation. Getty Images