
Lee Zeldin says ‘Top 10 list’ of Gov. Kathy Hochul grievances is no joke

Drum roll, please.

Republican nominee for governor Rep. Lee Zeldin offered a David Letterman-like of gripes against Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul ahead of the Nov. 8 election.

“Whether it’s cashless bail, the HALT Act, rogue District Attorneys who fail to enforce the law, and so much more, time and again Kathy Hochul refuses to protect innocent law-abiding New Yorkers,” Zeldin said in announcing the list Wednesday.

It underscores how the Long Island Republican aims to overcome Hochul’s advantages with fu🔜ndraising, political party enrollment in New York and polling through a heavy 𝔍focus on rising crime and purported progressive excess under one-party rule by Democrats in Albany.

Making the list were reforms backed by Hochul to cash bail, discovery laws, solitary confinement and parole violations alongside alleged pay-to-play schemes involving the governor, who has built a record war chest since replacing💟 disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo last year.

GOP gubernatorial candidate Rep. Lee Zeldin released a “Top 10 List” of gripes with Gov. Kathy Hochul, including issues like bail and criminal justice reforms. Photo by John Lamparski/Getty Images

Other items making the list concerned topics where Hochul has declined to take clear public stands, including replacing controversial Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, parole board decisions, “victims’ rights” and proposed legislation to repeal “qualified immunity” for cops.

Nine out of 10 items overall concerned public safety in Zeldin’s comedy-free rendition of the Top 10 list format popularized by the longtime “Late Night” host.

“Hochul refuses to even listen to members of her own party like New York City Mayor Eric Adams who have asked her to call a special session to address this issue,” Zeldin said about for Hochul to call state lawmakers back to Albany to tweak bail reform.

Zeldin accused Hochul of failing “to protect innocent law-abiding New Yorkers.” Jeenah Moon/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Hochul has♔ cast Zeldin a𒆙s the state-level avatar of national Republicans while blasting his record and past statements on abortion rights, gun control and his votes against certifying the Electoral College results from certain states in the 2020 presidential election.

The state Democrats, too, opted for drama rather than comedy in a in March that outlined a case against Zeldin that was more broad by topic area than her Republican opponents’ crime-centric list.

Zeldin’s congressional votes against Democrat-backed bills aimed at confronting COVID-19, infrastructure spending and a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 assault on the US Capitol all made her list along with✨ his issues like guns✃ and abortion.

Zeldin’s list includes Hochul not firing controversial Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg. Steven Hirsch

“Led by none other than Trump’s top defender and ally, Lee Zeldin, the New York GOP Convention was a full-blown embrace of Donald Trump and his support for right-wing extremism, abortion bans, and election conspiracies,” reads a March press release outlining the 10-item list.

The Hochul campaign did not immediately coꦬmment on whether she has updated her list since then.