John Podhoretz

John Podhoretz


John Fetterman debate was painful and shameful — he is physically incapable of being a senator

Eleven years ago, Texas Gov. Rick Perry destroyed his bid for the preꦡsidency when he said in a debate that he had three examples of something and then could only remember two.

That’s all it took — and rightly so. Debates afford voters a rare 🌳chance to see politicians under pressure having to think on thei🔜r feet and respond to unexpected events.

I’ve never seen anything like the Pennsyl﷽vania Se༺nate debate between John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz on Tuesday night, and I hope never to have to see anything like it ever again. It was horrible. I didn’t think I would ever experience a moment as painful in ๊the midst of a political campaign as the Perry moment, but that was like watching Pavarotti sing “Nessun Dorma” compared to this.

The s🌠troke that Fe😼tterman himself said “knocked” him down at the debate’s outset has impaired him. Full stop. Don’t believe anyone who even tries to tell you different, and you should probably not trust any such person to tell you whether you need an umbrella because you don’t know whether it’s raining.

Seeing Fetterman struggle to answer simple questions and form sim🍸ple sentences was nothing less than an agony. There’s no sense even in trying to♏ characterize how he did in expressing himse🅰lf on issues, or how Mehmet Oz did talk🐠ing about matters ranging from abortion to fracking to Social Security.

Oz has been ridiculed for not actually living in Pennsylvania.
Dr. Oz trails Fetterman in the polls and has been mocked by his opponent’s campaign. WHTM

Only one thing mattered, and that was watching Fetterman try to make a showing of himself despite his painful impairment. I don’t want to quote what he said or make specific note of his speech pᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚatterns or answers because it would be unnecessarily cruel.

Could Fetterman improve? Yes. Will he improve? We do not know. During the 🅷debate he refused to say he would release actual medical records rather♉ than a clearly ginned-up letter from a doctor who is one of his donors.

Many of his critics believe it should rule him out as a Senate candidate.
Many have shown concern for Fetterman’s health following his stroke. WHTM

What this debate made entirely clear is this: It is an act of personal, political, and ideological malpractice that Fetterman is still contesting for the Senate.

A month ago Fetterman could have dropped out and the Pennsylvania Democratic Party could have put up a different candidate for his office — like Rep. Conor Lamb, who lost to Fetterman in the primary. It’s an act of political and ideological malpractice because he and his team have left Democratic voters with no option other than to close their eyes to what they saw and vote for someone who should not be in the Senate — ꦇor to🐭 vote for his rival. Or not to vote at all.

It’s an act of personal malpractice on the part of those who encouraged him to continue because this singularly upsetting performance is not the way any person on this Earth — anꦅd particularly not someone who suffered a calamitous brain shock — should become fไamous or notorious or be remembered.