
Tennis Australia under fire over ballkid payment controversy

Controversy erupted at the Australian Open earlier in the week when fans discovered the bal🎃lkids are n🍸ot being paid for their services.

Around 2,500 kids apply to be ballkids ev꧋ery year, with less than one in five of them actually successful.

Those who do make the cut are then working und🦂er strict conditions and under torrid weather conditions that Melbourne throws up in൩ January.

, the young💜sters are instead given freebies and effectively work for the love of the game and the experience that comes with it.

But ca🌸lls continue to grow for the Australian Open to open its expansive wallet and pony up for the kids who sometimes cop the wrath of angry stars.

Craig Tiley, the CEO of Tennis Australia, with Canadian Denis Shapavalov, and the 2023 Australian Open ballkids, on Jan. 8, 2023. Getty Images

Prior to the tournament getting꧑ undeౠrway, it was announced the prize pool on offer for the world’s best players was the biggest ever seen Down Under.

A whopping prize pool of $52.7 million wasꦚ💯 on the table for those participating, up 3.4 percent on 2022.

In comparison to the Australian Open, ballkids working at the US Open are paid $15 per hour whil🥂e at Wimbledon they’re given a flat rate of $242 per we🐼ek.

Journalist Justin Smith led his voice to the call for cღhange and for the Australian Open to revert back to 2008 when they 🎃were paid before being reclassified as volunteers.

“Areဣ we in a Dicke🐓ns novel or something? Come on. Pay the kids,” Smith said on Channel 7.

“I’m shocked that they didn’t pay them. I think it devalues tꩲhem appallingly. They should start forking out as soon ✨as possible … I really do, it’s devaluing them.”

Denis Shapovalov and the 2023 Australian Open ballkids, on Jan. 8, 2023. Getty Images

Broadcaster Amanda Rose added: “Essentially, I think it conditions children at a young age that the experience is worth more than being paid. For girls in particular, I think it’s really important꧃ to actually say, ‘no, (we’re) worth this money … It’s not a charity event.

“You don’t want them going for a jo🍸b in thei🎃r 20s and being told that it is for the experience, and they are not getting paid. So they should get paid.”

The controversial issue was brought to light on Reddit with users split over th🐷e topic with many believing it was nothing short of exploitation.

“How is this not child෴ exploitation?” one user 🥂asked.

“It isn’t unreasonable to s🐬uggest the ballkids get paid for their time,” said another.

“It’s the sports vꦐersion of artists getting paid𒐪 in exposure.”

Ballkids wipe rain off the court at the 2020 Australian Open on Jan. 31, 2020. Getty Images

Not everyone thinks that it’s such a big deal, h𒁏owever.

One Reddit user in response to the thread said: “Volunteering can be problematic when there’s implicit pressure or coercion to perform labor voluntarily, producing profit for an organization that the individual doesn’t get to share in.”

“There is no implicit pressure on ballkids to work for free.”

“No one needs to be a ballkid at the Australian Open for exposure or career purposes.”

“Kids jump at ꦰthe chance because it’s an awesome opportunity – there’s no exploitation here, move along.”

Another user said “the ki🌞ds are tennis crazy – (they) love th💟e experience.”

The merchandise that the kids get was also a central point in many responses, w💦ith one saying: “they get to keep a lot of cool stuff given to them by Australian Open organizers – calling this child exploitation is an insult to the real exploitation that goes on overseas.”

“Maybe focus on that first.”

Ballkids have been at the center of attention early in this year’s Open, with Rafael Nadal to a ballkid mistakenly taking away the♔ one he was using to be restrung.

“I need the racqu⭕et back, ballboy take my racquet,” Nadal said.