
Spring clean your career with these expert-approved tips

You already know to clean out thಌe closets and (somehow) tackle your pantry this time of 🎶year.

But how about spring cleaning your career, too?

💃“Spring is the perfect time to rejuvenate your career, just as you would your home,” said , an entrepreneur and CEO coach on the Upper East Side and in Toronto. “Pause and reflect on what changes you can make to improve your productivity and overall work-life balance.”

Lyons urges individuals to ask💟 themselves one key question: What needs to be added or removed to help you move forward this year?

“Declutter and simplify your work environment, and discover new strategies that can help you be 🔥more productive and focused,” she said.

Below, Lyons and other career experts chime in on seven strategies 𓃲to accomplish a vocational spring cleaning.

Question yourself

Start each day by asking yourself, “Whatꦗ three things can I do differently?” said , a transitional life strategist based on the Upper East Side and ꦏNew Jersey.

“Creating a mindfulness around th💟e unknown circumvents fear and elevates productivity, refocusing you on what you can accomp🎉lish in 24-hour segments,” she said. “At the end of each day, record what shifts and changes you executed on, and how they impacted your business. Then rinse and repeat the next day, leaning into your results.”

Rethink New Year’s resolutions

At the start of the year, it may feel like we have all the time in the world,” said , an executiv♍e coach in Chicago, who also notes that, “We tend to plan mor꧟e than we can realistically handle.”

Spring is the ideal time to “take stock of your pr🌌ogress while still having plenty of time to accomplish more in the rest of the year” and reevaluate your occupational go❀als.

“During the spring clean, many clients realize that some things are not progressing as expecte🦄d, some goals are no longer relevant, and realize if they’re veering off course and can make corrections,” he said.

Woman writes down list.
Take stock of your progress and reevaluate your occupational goals. Shutterstock

Make a brag folder

Poppe also advisဣed taking time to update your brag folder, “a folder, file or notes where you record your achievements.”

Include every🥂thing from thank-you notes you’ve received and project results to sales goals you achieved and positive customer feedback.

“The brag file serves three purposes. First, it keeps a record of your accomplishments, which is helpful for year-end reviews, updating your résumé or asking for♓ a raise. Second, reflecting on your successes can help you find new ways to tackle current obstacles or put these obstacles in perspective,” said Poppe. “Finally, it can be a source of motivation on days when things aren’t going well.”

Try a task audit

Skye🌳 Sauchelli, a career coach and founder of in Long Beach Island, NJ, believes you can boost your productivity this spring by shedding the dead weight.

“Write all of your typical daily tasks down on paper, and draw a line through all the tasks that just cause you to spin your wheels,” she said. “Cross off those tasks that are time-wasters — the ones that don’t move the needle, thღat don’t make a difference for the bottom line.”

Then, “you can much more easily focus on the tasks that do move the needle,” she co⭕ntinued, adding that this process will make you clearer on how to spend your workday for maximum productivity and results.

Get career guidance

, a success strategist in the East Village, shared😼 two routes to achieve this.

First, you can contact your college and/or grad school alumni off𒀰ice and inquire about alumni resources.

“More and more schools are offering free coaching and workshops to alumni, understanding that a gainfully employed alum is far more likely to donate to their school,” said꧟ Zee. “෴Many alumni are publicly listed because they love their alma maters and they want to help. Think about that: You can either cold-email strangers on LinkedIn, or you can connect with people who want to help you.”

Another way is to contact your HR department and ask them wha📖t c𝓡areer resources employees qualify for, said Zee.

“What if your boss will help you go ba💫ck to school, or work for a period of time overseas, or find an executive mentor within the firm? A big part of spring cleaning your career is broadening your horizons to understand that you have more 🐬options,” said Zee.

Two professionals meet.
Check out the alumni and career resources available to you. Shutterstock

Go paperless

Her𒅌e’s one springtime to-do that relates to your physical space.

Sauchelli regularly sees clients overwhelmed and disorganizedꩵ beca💧use they don’t have a system for their paperwork.

“Go through your filing cabinets and every single folder to eliminate as much papeꦍr as possible,” said Sauchelli, who recommends scanning all of your forms and papers and saving them on your computer. “Then, when you need one, instead of sifting through multiple cabinets and folders to find your form, you can do a quick search of the documents on your computer, and print out if necessary.”

Get up-to-date online

Now is also a timely moment to “Marie Kondo” your profile and/or your professional website, if yo🦹u have one.

Spend some time deleting out-of-date information an🌱d making your copy as s🎀uccinct and snappy as possible.

Add “om” to your life

No, you don’t necessarily need to hit the yoga studiꦛo and chant in tandem with others.

Rather, spend some time this spring contemplating how you can slow d🐷own a little.

To that point, Ly🐈ons urges clients to reevaluate their commitme💦nts.

“Take a critical look at your commitments, and identify which ones are essential and which ones you can let go of. Saying ‘no’ to nonessenti🥀al commitments can free up time and energy for more important tasks,” she said.