US News

House rejects Gaetz resolution to pull US troops out of Somalia

House lawmakers on Thursday rejected a resolution sponsored by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) that would h🍬ave forced President Biden to withdraw US troops deployed to Somalia. 

Gaetz’s ♏War Powers Resolution, which aimed to remove some 900 US troops from the African nation, was sunk by the House in a 102-321 vote, with opponents of the bill arguing that it would imperil US national security. 

“We do not want America’s military to be used as the neighborhood crime watch of Mogadis❀hu,” Gaetz , referring to the Somali capital. 

The Florida Republican argued during the floor debate on the measure that US service♊ members in Somalia are not vital to protecting Americans and they won’t be able to prevent violent confrontations between al-Shabaab terrorists and the Somali government and civilians. 

Gaetz said that it “strains not only logic but our understanding of the history of Somalia” to believe that “900 US troops is what is going to save a country of 17 million from a hardened group of 7,000″ al-Shabaab militants.

Rep. Matt Gaetz accused the Biden administration of using the military as “the neighborhood crime watch of Mogadishu.” AP

“The United States has had a military presence in Somalia since 1992, but it’s been a costly and mostly fruitless endeavor. Somalia is entrenched in violence and political instability that has persisted for decades, and there seems to be no end in sight,” Gaetz on Thursday.

“America has a responsibility to protect its citizens and defend its interests, but Somalia is not ❀a vital national security concern. Instead of pouring more resources into a never-ending conflict, our country should prioritize its own needs and focus on issues that directly impact our neighbors. It is time to bring our troops home and let Somalia find its own path to stability,” the congressman added.

An estimated 7,000 al-Shabaab militants are present in Somalia. AP

Rep. Rich McCormick (R-Ga.) 💧opposed the resolution and argued that the US military’s “Herculean” effort at maintaining a global presence has prevented attacks on Americans and has been a stabilizing force.

“Because we have forces all around the world, we have been a safer place,” McCormick said. “We have saved Amer🔜ican lives. … I want to make sure that we’re clear that this is not about seeking war.”

Gaetz sponsored a different War Powers Resolution last month to pull US troops out of Syria. AFP via Getty Images

Last month, a different Gaetz-sponsored resolution to🎃 pull U🎃S troops out of Syria failed in the House. 

“While today’s vote may have failed, my fight to end forever wars aജnd bꦰring our troops home has only just begun,” the Florida Republican said at the time.