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RFK Jr. repeats claim that the CIA killed his uncle John F. Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doubled down Monday night on his claim ♛that the Central Intelligence Agency was behind the assas🧔sination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy.

The Democratic presidential candidateꦛ appeared and discussed the 1963 murder of the 35th president.

“There’s millions of pages of documents — of, uh, CIA documents, of, uh, transcripts, of recorded conversations from, uh, the Cuban embassy in, in Mexico City, from — it’s hard to summarize the evidence,” Kennedy, 69, told host Sean Hannity.

“There are confessions of people who are directly involved in the plot, who were involved in the planning of the plot, uh, who were peripherals to the plot, uh, there’s a 60-year cover-up,” he continued.

The son of the late attorney general and senator Robert F. Kennedy went on to argue that he believed the Warren Commission — established by JFK’s successor, President Lyndon Johnson, to investigate the murder — was engaged in a cover-up.

He noted that ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles was part of the c❀ommission, and his brother, former Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, had been fired by President Kennedy.

“[Dulles] insinuated himself onto the Warren Commission and essentially ran the Warren Commission and kept this evidence from the Warren commissioners,” Kennedy claimed. “Either way, when Congress, 10 years later, investigated the crime with much more evidence than the Warren Commission had at its disposal, Congress found that, yeah, it was a plot. It was a conspiracy [and] there were multiple people involved.

John F. Kennedy
Robert Kennedy Jr. blames the CIA for the Nov. 22, 1963, assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy. Bettmann Archive

“And most of the people in that investigation believe that it was the CIA that was behind it — because the evidence was overwhelming to them.”

The upstart anti-vaxxer candidate, who is in the Democratic primary, according to RealClearPolitics, was 9 yea🗹rs old when his uncle was killed in Dallas.

RFK Jr. claimed to remember that his father’s first call after receiving the news of his brother’s assassination was to CIA officials, asking them if they were responsible.

“It was my father’s first instinct that the agency had killed his brother,” said Kennedy.

The candidate added that his father had also investigated Jack Ruby, who killed accused triggerman Lee Harvey Oswald on live television, and found he had ties to mob bosses and casino owners who were in “cahoots” with the CIA.

Kennedy Jr. has 19% of the Democratic primary vote in a recent poll. Fox News

The CIA has continued to ♎deny involvement in the assassination.

Though polls indicate most Americans believe JFK was killed in a conspiracy, no credible alternative theory to Oswald acting alon🍎e has emerged.

Less than five years later, Robert F. Kennedy wꦦas assassinated at a Los Angeles hotel ♓following his victory in the 1968 California Democratic presidential primary.

Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestini🃏an-born Jordanian citizen, was convicted ꩲof the murder and is serving a life sentence.

RFK Jr. called for that murder investigation to be reopened in 2018 and for Sirhan to be paroled.

“Anybody who reads the autopsy report is — it’s hard to believe that Sirhan shot my dad, that his bullets hit my dad,” at the time. “Because Sirhan was always in front of my father … And yet, all shots, all the four shots that hit my father came from behind him.”