
Iowa for Ron, Kamala is why Joe’s running again and other commentary

Republicans: Iowa for Ron!

“We help lead Iowa’s state Legislature,” at the Des Moines Register in endorsing Gov. Ron DeSantis for president as a “proven” and “shining example of conservative leadership.” “He kept the state’s economy going” during COVID and “has been resolute” on “school choice, tort reform, and parents’ rights.” Plus, “Florida has grown its state population. It’s the number one state in the country for economic growth,” with “historically low unemployment.” Republicans should note that DeSantis just won “the bluest of blue counties in Florida” by 11 points. “He has won the biggest fights in Florida, and he’s brought all Floridians along while doing it.” “That is effective leadership — a💃nd it is wh⛦at the country needs and deserves.”

Space beat: Don’t Let Greens Block Launches

Environmentalists have sued the FAA to stop new launches of SpaceX’s Starship rocket, , “pending a full-scale environmental impact study” that could take years and jeopardize the 2025 Artemis return to the moon. Yet SpaceX wasn’t “allowed to flagrantly endanger the environment” amid the recent launch of its Starship/Super Heavy stack. The FAA ordered 75 actions to protect the environment; the Fish and Wildlife Service found no wildlife were killed, though the rocket self-destructed soon after launch. Congr💞ess should just “exempt SpacꦆeX’s launch operations” from the National Environmental Protection Act and then fix the law. “Mitigation of environmental harm is important,” but so is “the expansion of the human species beyond Earth.”

Gadfly: Kamala Is Why Joe’s Running Again

“Why is 80-year-old Joe Biden running for another term?” . “Look back to 2019, and you can find a lot of news stories featuring Democrats who expected Biden to be a one-term president, a Trump dragon-slayer who would then pass the torch to some younger, promising rising star.” Indeed, “passing the torch to [Kamala] Harris was apparently the plan,” but now “that plan is unworkable.” As a New York Times pro♎file reported, “even some Democrats whom her own advisers referred reporters to for supportive quotes confided privately that they had lost hope in her.”

View from Beantown: Kerry’s a Great Target

“Memo to U.S. Rep. James Comer: John Kerry was secretly negotiating with enemies of the U.S. before you were born,” . Kerry’s political career “began around 1970 when, as a Vietnam War veteran turned anti-war activist, he met secretly in Paris with officials of the enemy Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese.” Now Comer (born in ’72) hopes “to grill him on making secret ‘shady negotiations’ on climate change with the communist Chinese.” He’s “right to go after Kerry,” who has “turned his new agency into something like the KGB. Nobody knows where he goes, how he gets there, who is with him, who he talks to or what he does,” ’til he “pops up” somewhere “and talks about the world coming to an end unless people do what he says.” Plus, “getting public information out of him and his agency, as the Boston Herald has been trying to do for almost two years, is like pulling teeth. It has only just been revealed that Kerry has a staff of 44🍌 people, but he will not release the payroll until October of 2024.”

Conservative: Dems’ War on Work

Every person who can work, should, so “I was thrilled to see much of my included” in the House GOP debt-limit-hike bill, . The Left and its media allies “label our plans to reinstate work requirements as limiting access to federal benefits,” yet there’s no change in “which benefits are available or who is eligible for those benefits.ꦛ” If Democrats get their way, it’ll be “taboo to say that you be꧑lieve that any able-bodied, working-age adult who receives government benefits ought to work.” Sorry: “Working hard isn’t a radical idea — it’s common sense.”

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board