Michael Goodwin

Michael Goodwin


The Deep State stabbed Donald Trump in the back during the 2016 election

You don’t have to read all of the special counsel John Durham’s report to get to the heart of the matter: On the third page of the executive summary, he writes: “The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigat🌟ed Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligenc🌳e also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed ﷺat the Clinton campaign.” 

There you have it, the final verd🍎ict onౠ the 2016 presidential election: A corrupt FBI tried to rig th𒉰e outcome by favoring one candidate over the other.

Thank God it failed, but not before Republican Donald Trump and others o♐n his team got smeared in a vicious probe while Democrat Hillary Clinton ꦛand her team got free passes on several issues that potentially involved criminal conduct.

That’s the bottom line and everythi▨ng else is detail.

Damning report

Du🐈rham’s damning conclusion must never be forgotten.

We now know, without doubt, that President Barack Obama’s𒁃 Justice Department and officials from other parts of the government meddled in the election and tried to pick the president regardless of the wishes of 130 million voters. 

John Durham found the FBI’s probe was “seriously flawed” and had no basis in evidence, according to a 306-page report released Monday. Ron Sachs – CNP

Obama knew what was going 🥀on and so did his vice president, Joe 𒉰Biden.

That, too, is now settled forever.

It is to Durham’s credit th🍎at he lays all this out without emotion.

In a ༺Joe Friday tone of “Just the facts, ma’am,” he🙈 delivers breathtaking statements, writing that the FBI and Department of Justice “failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law.”

The special prosecutor found that FBI officials “discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia.” AP

On another issue, he says that, despite worrisome reports about improper use of the Clinton Foundation, “both senior FBI and Department officials placed restrictions on how those matters were to be handled such that essentially no inv༒estigative activities occurred for months leading up to the electio🥀n.”

The 306-p🌟age ꧒report would make for satisfying reading if it were a matter of lon🎃g-ago history. But it’s too fresh and relevant to gat😼her dust. 

Consider all t🔥hat followed: a bloodlust to get Trump’s head on a platter from the left-wing media, which, feasting on FBI leaks, led to Robert ꦛMueller’s two-year, $40 million probe. 

Despite finding no clear evidence that Trump or anyone in his campaign colluded with Russiܫa, Mueller held his report until after Democ🥀rats won the House in the 2018 midterms, which begat a Democratic victory, which led to𒐪 the phony Trump impeachment over the Ukraine phone call.

And even that list of disgraceful events doesn’t capture the complete catastrophe that dirty cops James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and others at the FBI created. 

The agency is no longer trusted by tens of millions of Americans, and with goo🙈d reason: The attempt to throw the election wasn’t a one-off. 

Instead, it now l👍ooks like the opening act of an era when government power is routinely🐈 used to comfort the incumbent party and afflict the opposition party.

This is the poison still circulating through the political bloodstream.&nbsp𒁃;

Durham referred to former FBI Director James Comey in his report. Getty Images

Until it’s cleansed, there is little incentive for other𒈔s not to abuse their power.

After all, Clinton ne♏ver paid a penalty for funding and spreading the Steele dossier,ꦫ a farrago of fiction that the FBI wi♉llingly swallowed and used to spy on Trump associates. 

As Durham shows, and as Obama knew, Cl♌inton pushed it to draw attention away from he⛎r wrongdoing in having classified documents on a private server. 

What to know about the bombshell Durham report

Special counsel John Durham completed a four-year review of the FBI’s investigation of allegations that Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia

Durham found the FBI’s probe was “seriously flawed” and had no basis in evidence, according to a 306-page report released Monday.

The special prosecutor found that FBI officials “discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia.”

Durham also found investigators put too much faithඣ in 🌳information provided by Trump’s political opponents and carried out surveillance of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page without genuinely believing there was probable cause to do so.

Despite the scathing findings, Durham did not recommend criminal prosecutions or widespread FBI reforms, writing that “the answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old.”

Durham’s investigation lasted more than four years, longer than the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe itself.


She carried out the dirtiest dirty trick in American politics, and still has the gall to claim Trump stole the 🗹election!

Americඣa is lucky her deviousness was superseded by he🃏r incompetence.

The Comey crowd got a fat book and TV contracts instead of prison. Crime — or at least corrupt♍ing justice — pays well if you’re of the right political persuasion. 

Peter Strzok was fired because of derogatory text messages about Donald Trump. AP

DOJ still politicized

Sadly, a new generation of power-hungry bureaucrats has picked up where they le🌃ft off.

On the day Durham’s report was made public, we learned the Justice Department allegedly ordered ✃that the entire IRS team probing Hunter Biden be ­removed. 

The move smells l🌱ike retaliation for one member of the team becoming a whistleblower and telling Congress that the preside🅺nt’s son was getting favored treatment. 

The timing of the removal is either tone-deaf clumsy — or a brazen declaration of war from Attorney General Merrick Garland, who apparently believes he is above the law and there’s nothing anyone can do about it, inꦺcluding the Republicans who control the House.

Consider also that the FBI has ꦰhad Hunter’s laptop for more than four years and still🐻 hasn’t cleared him or filed charges.

Nor has it followedꦏ the money and the evidence showing Joe Biden was part of the family racket. 

Trump’ꩵs feeble and foolish efforts to politicize the DOJ are child’s play next to what Bid💝en, Garland, and FBI Director Christopher Wray are doing. 

Both the former 🅰president and current one were sloppy with classified documents, but only one of them has an aggressive prosecutor, his home raided and his case before a grꦗand jury.

Naturally, leaks to favored media flow like water🐟 down a hill.

Meanwhile, the current president is blessed with a prosecutor who is as sleepy as he is. Not a peep of activity about his case is hearꦛd.

Andrew McCabe joined Comey and others in defaming Trump with the Russia probe. AP

There’s another trickle-down effect of 2016, too, with state prosecutors, especially in New Yo🍸rk, turning Trump’s life and business into a morality play and giving themselves the role of Avengers.

New York St🌸ate Attorney General Letitia James and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg both made campaign promises t𝔉o prosecute Trump, and they have kept those promises.

Never mind that violent criminals run amok. 🐽ꦍTrump is their white whale.

Of all the divisions and polarization in American life, this is the one that worries me most. The unscrupulous use of law enforcement to wܫin and keep power can destroy the system of checks and balances the Founders built into our grand experiment in self-government.

In that sense, the downplaying of Durham’s findings by the l꧃eft, especially in the media, is dispiriting.

They’ve been exposed, but not deterred.

They twisted the tr꧅uth to push their agenda yesterday an♍d today and they’ll do it tomorrow.

How do we stop them without becoming like them?

NY Times a lyin’ king

Reader Jack Weinberg is puzzled that so many people are so easi♈ly fooled, writing: “I don’t understand how the New York Times, with its history of egregiously false reporting about many national and international figures and events, is still able to maintain an aura of truthful reporting.

“Times reporters lied to cover up atrocities by Hitler, Stali🌄n, Castro, and others, and now are covering up for Joe Biden, one of the most brazenly dishonest politicians in modern times.”

Eric, stop playing the racism card

Reader Lydia DiBello offers free advice to Mayor Eric Adams, writing: “Please stop calling people you barely know racists because you can’t understand a different point of view, and please stop usꦡing racism as an excuse when your job becomes too hard.”