
Grad’s hateful rant: Letters to the Editor — May 31, 2023

The Issue: A CUNY Law graduate criticized the military, police and Israel in her commencement speech.

As an alumnus of City University of New York undergraduate and graduate programs, I cannot imagine that a graduate of CUNY Law school would have given such a disgraceful commencement speech 40 years ago (“Stark raving grad,” May 30).

The disparagement of our legal system, our military, our police and one of our staunchesꦅt allies in the world flies in the face of all that is decent and wondrous about America.

I amℱ sure there are good and decent students and faculty members at CUNY and other institutions of higher learning who disagree with Fatima Mousa M😼ohammed’s ravings. Are they too intimidated by the woke mob to speak up?

To paraphrase Edmund Burke, “All it takes for evil to triu🐽mph is for good people to do nothing.”

Robert Semel


Mohammed’s vicious speech at CUNY Law School’s commencement was an absolutel꧅y derisive and divisive raꦫnt against the United States.

Whoever allo🌞wed these words to be spewed by this angry graduate should be ashame🌌d.

If everyone who felt as attacked as I did had walked out, justice would h▨ave be🐼en somewhat served.

Ilene Simon

Old Bridge, NJ

I congratulate The Post for its courageous front-page story and articles about the neo-Marxist rantings of CUNY🌠 law graduate Fatima Mousa Mohamme🐠d.

Few newspapers and publications adequately report the revolutionary zeal of these ⛦true believers in their 🏅faux anti-colonialist intersectional cause.

Not only do they hold a significant presence in academia, but they popula🐟te the Biden administration as well, advancing the so-called “woke” agenda across various departments.

Unfortunately, President Biden and other old-style Democrats think only about raising money from their party’s donor class൲, lobbyists and foreign actors. They never realize the festering ideology that is invading the Democrat Party.

Those wh🐻o hold Mohammed’s revolutionary, racist, anti-Semitic and soci🐓alist beliefs are capable of swallowing the Democratic Party whole.

Stanley Rubin

Fresh Meadows

The old Yiddish expression that “a rotten fish stinks from its head” was never♌ more apropos then when applied to CUNY Law School.

That theꦕ speaker would rail against America and Israel is not shocking. It is easie🐷r to spout hate from a podium than to promote an even better American society or Palestinians who advocate for peace.

The root of the problem is the CUNY leadership, which tolerates and encourages a radical anti♔-American and anti-Israel platform.

Why are they still funded with public ta🔯x dollars? Where is the governor? The mayor? The CUNY trustees?🐽 It’s shameful.

Yakov Moshe


That was a commencement speech?

No, it was a rant filled with t𒈔he highest form of woke rage, anti-Semitism and anti-Israel, anti-police and anti-military rhetoric.

And Mohammed was chosen to be a representative of the CUNY law school’s graduating class of 20🦂23? It’s mind-boggling and a testament to just how low CUNY has sunk.

Cindy Adler

Boynton Beach, Fla.

The CUNY law graduate said in her commencement speech she hates the NYPD, the US military and Is🔯rael.

The freshly minted grad also hates her alma mater for having “self-serving interestꦑs” and “[continuing] to fail us.” She hates the city, the countr🉐y, Israel (of course) and her school, which gave her an education and an entry into the law profession.

Is there anything that she likes?

Mark Seitelman


How will Mohammed’s intense hate mesh w🌳ith appearing before the bench as an attorney, when the law aspires to “justice♈ for all”? That includes pro-Israel and pro-law-enforcement individuals.

L. Charm Tenenbaum

Clifton, NJ

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