
The Biden family’s long history of skirting the law, sweetheart deals

Hunter Biden’s slap-on-the-wrist plea deal after failing to pay taxes on millions of dollars in income, and a felony gun charge he won’t be prosecuted for, follows a long history of Biden family members running afoul of the law — and skating.

Hunter Biden, 53, could have faced felonies for both his tax charges — and a multitude of other crimes evidenced on his abandoned laptop.

Instead, he pl♔ed guilty to just two misdemeanor tax offenses, virtually guaranteeing he will not see the inside﷽ of a jail cell.

“The Biden family are beginning to make the Medicis look like small-time operators,” said George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley.

“That fact that it took over five years to even secure a plea on a couple of small misdemeanors is a testament to a family that has leveraged Joe Biden public positions into a fortune of foreign influence peddling.”

President Biden’s daughter Ashley was busted for pot possession while a student at Tulane. Samuel Corum – Pool via CNP / MEGA

In 1988, Hunter Bidenဣ was granted a similar off-ramp after being 𓃲busted for drug possession.

“I was cited for possession of a controlled substa👍nc💝e in Stone Harbor, NJ. There was a pre-trial intervention and the record was expunged,” he  after being nominated to serve on the Amtrak Reform Board in 2006.

The kid gloves for Hunter came ⛄as his father, then-Delaware Sen. Joe Biden was burnishing his War on Drugs bonafides, voting for the Anti-Drug Abuse Act which strengthened prison sentences for drug possession.

President Biden’s brother Frank has had multiple run ins with the law which have never resulted in real consequences. Tribune News Service via Getty Images

Since those days, Hunter Biden became a self-admitted drug addict and was of indulging in crack cocaine at Archibald’s Gentlemen’s Club in Washington, DC, club sources said. His abandoned hard drive is replete with images of him using controlled substances — frequently with high-priced prostitutes — yet he is not known to have ever spent a day in jail for any of it.

Caroline Biden — President Biden’s 36-year-old niece, has her own rap sheet, and like her cousin Hunter has managed to avoid ever seeing a day in jail.

Her most recent arrest came in Au💜gust 2019 when she was busted by cops in Lower Merion Township, PA, for driving under the influence and without a license after smashing into a tree, public records show.

Hunter Biden has received pre-trial intervention to skirt legal consequences on multiple occasions.
Hunter and Ashley Biden have both been cited for possession. REUTERS

Arresting officer Jeffrey Seamans reported that she “had difficulty focusing” as he questioned her. The car contained pill bottles for carisoprodol and lorazepam, both of which are controlled substances. A blood test later confirmed those and other drugs were in her system at the time of the crash, records show.

The case took more than a year to crawl through the local courts. Her arraignment was delayed until Nov. 4, 2020 — one day after the presidential election.

A court spokes🔯man insisted the timing was coincidental. She was ꦫultimately sentenced to probation.

Joe Biden’s younger son has taken criticism for his sweetheart plea deal. AP

In 2017, Caroline was busted after running up more than $110,000 on a stolen credit card during a year-long shopping spree at Big༺elow Pharmacy, a high-end drug store in the West Village.

A felony conviction was later tossed, and shಌe was allowed to re-plead to the lesser charge of petty larceny as part of a deal hashed out by her lawyers. She agai🅰n avoided jail time.

In September 2013, Caroline Biden was booked after allegedly socking an NYPD officer during a rampage at her Tribeca apartment.

The row began as a dispute with a roo🐲mmate over unpaid rent.

Frank Biden allegedly stole two DVDs from Blockbuster over 10 years ago. AP

That case too was dismissed after Caroline agreed to anger management treatment.

Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley Biden, 42, was known as a party animal when she attended Tulane University in New Orleans and picked up a pot bust there in 1999.

Local police in the Big Easy confirmed the arrest but no conviction was recorded in court records.

Ten years later, when her father was vice president, video circulated of a woman resembling Ashley allegedly snorting cocaine at a house party in Delaware.

In 2002, she earned another misdemeanor arrest for attempting to obstruct a police officer and makin🀅g  — after a bottle-sma𒁃shing brawl outside a Chicago bar. The charges .

President Biden’s brother Francis “Frank” Biden, 69, had an unusual bust when he allegedly stuffed two DVDs from a Florida Blockbuster down his pants in October 2003, cops said. He was 49 years old at the time. He later skipped out on his court hearing, according to records obtained by the He was not prosecuted.

He was nabbed in August 2003 for drunk driving in Fort Lauderdale, netting six months probation. A year later he was 𝄹arrested for driving with a suspended license but avoided jail again by undergoing three months in a rehab facility.

In 1999, Frank༺ Biden was a passengerಞ in a car involved in a fatal drunk-driving accident near Cardiff-on-Sea, Calif., and subsequently found partially liable for the death of 38-year-old Michael Albano.

Many say the Biden family’s history of skirting legal consequences is typical of wealthy, well-connected individuals. Ouzounova / Shutterstock

In 2002, Frank Biden was ordered to pay Albano’s family almost $1 million, but had not ponied up as of 2020, the It’s unknown whether he has since paid. Frank Biden is currently employed as a at the Florida-based Berman Law Group, who did not respond to a request for comment.

“The history of the Biden family’s contacts with the criminal justice system sound to me typical of how wealthy and well-connected people are treated by our criminal justice system. In general, people who have lawyers, who are close to prosecutors, and who are well-connected in the jurisdiction get better deals than poor people. It’s one of the deep flaws in our system,” said Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz.

Caroline Biden, Ashley Biden, and a rep for Hunt🌺er Biden did not responไd to requests for comment from The Post. The White House also did not respond to a request for comment.