
For press, Supreme Court is in ‘crisis’ because it agrees with most Americans

Did you hear? There’s a “crisis” in the courts. Unelected justices are pushing a conservative agenda and “making up” law as they . . . make decisions with which most Americans agree.

An ABC News/Ipsos poll taken after the most recent Supreme Court rulings found that 52% agree with the court’s striking down of affirmative action.

Only 32% disagree, with 16% saying they don’t know.

On the question of President Biden’s massive giveaway on student loans, the public is more polarized — yet more people than not agree with the court shooting it down, 45% to 40%.

Biden’s reaction? “This is not a normal court,” he huffed, and the liberal press was right there with him. An “extreme majority.” “Out of step” with most Americas. 

A recent poll of Supreme Court rulings found that 52% agree with the court’s striking down of affirmative action. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz

They aren’t. They’re just out of step with The New York Times.

But rather than just saying they disagree, progressives push the idea that the Court is “illegitimate.” Donald Trump is out of office guys. Who is pursuing an “unprecedented assault” on America’s institutions now, as you so often argue?

New York magazine ran a commentary this weekend claiming that the Court was in “the new age of the made-up doctrine.” That’s rich. This Court has rightly, and consistently, argued that it’s up to Congress to make the laws and spend the money. Biden cannot just write off $400 billion in student loans. 

Do you know what right-wing politician argued that? Nancy Pelosi. She’s quoted in the majority decision.

You know who else was frustrated by judges when he tried to spend money not♉ allocated by Congress?

Donald Trump, when he was trying to claim “emergency” funds to build the border wall.

The appeals courts said he couldn’t; the Supreme Court declared the case moot after Biden won.

Nothing about this is “made up.” In fact, it was an activist liberal court finding unwritten subtext in the Constitution that gave the Democrats victories they couldn’t achieve in Congress for much of the last half century.

No Democrat argued the Supremes were “illegitimate” then.

There is no crisis in the court. There is just progressive panic, irresponsibly aimed at shaking faith in our government and tearing things down because they don’t get their way.