
Liberals’ silence on censorship, Dems seek a gerrymander ‘Do-Over’ and other commentary

From the left: Libs’ Silence on Censorship 

All the news on the feds’ role in censoring speech is to ask: “Where are the rest of the ‘card-carrying’ liberals from the seventies, eighties, and nineties . . . who always reflexively opposed restrictions on speech?” The latest: “The FBI has been forwarding thous🦩ands of content moderation ‘requests’ to” social-media platforms “on behalf of the SBU, Ukraine’s Security Agency.” That’s “outsourcin🔥g” the selection of what to censor “to a foreign government.” Where are the libs who opposed Tipper Gore’s drive for “voluntary” record-label warnings in 1985, and rose up “when the FBI sent a letter to Priority Records complaining about NWA’s ‘F- -k the Police”? 

NY beat: Dems Seek a Gerrymander ‘Do-Over’

“After the 2020 census, the state’s judiciary threw out Albany’s redistricting map as a flagrant partisan gerrymander,” yet Democrats “now want a 🉐do-over, so they can make it easier to retake the House next year,” . And “last week a state appeals court agreed” with them. A decade ago, voters ratified an amendment to the state Constitution prohibiting districts drawn “for the purpose of favoring” particular “political parties.” The Democratic-controlled Legislature responded “by ignoring it.” Republicans will now appeal to the state’s top court, which will have a clear choice: “stand by its decision last year — or acquiesce to being used as a tool” of the Democrats. “Given the court’s changing makeup, with its most recent progressive appointee,” don’t bet on the former.

Ed watch: Tests Aren’t the Problem 

Following the Supreme Court’s ruling against racial preferences in higher education, “we can expect colleges to try to find other ways to pursue their version of diversity,” . “In New York, we’ve already seen one likely workaround: the lingering idea of ditching entrance-exam requirements for admission to the city’s elite public schools.” Yet the low numbers of black and Hispanic students at selective high schools “reflect the public school system’s failures, not the failure of merit-based admissions policies.” The city’s elite private high schools “have significantly higher percentages of black student🐼s” than the elite public ones. “New York has plenty of qualified minority students; they’re just going to other schools.” Indeed, “the tests are not the problem; it’s the public schools themselves.”

Conservative: John Kerry on the Grill

We dodged “a bullet in 2004 when John Forbes Kerry was not elected president,” . During his climate-czar congressional testimony, “those bourgeois Republican parvenus wanted to ask him about” his private jets. Kerry responded that his wife’s family and his dad owned planes, not him, so “they got the blue-blooded Brahmin on two counts of perjury.” But “bigger news” is “how courageously” he’s “battling the climate crisis” via his “upcoming vac🐲ation, er, junket, er, fact-finding mission to Red China.” He “bent over backwards” to praise the “Red Chinese bu𒐪tchers” for their green policies. But surely Kerry would rather have been on one of his private islands to shout “at any Republicans who try to land” for “a picnic.”

From the right: Dems’ Disdain the Majority

Having recently seen a bumper sticker reading, “Leave no one behind — vote Democrat,” that Dems are willing to “leave anyone and everyone behind” when expedient “in the pursuit of power.” “Their attitude toward the constitutional judgment of the [Supreme] court and the moral compass of the majority is one of disdain.” They pay attention to every “tiny ඣniche” group, but ignore the “sensible majority.” They harbor contempt for the “concerns of ordinary people, who are regarded as too stupid or selfish to know what is good for them.” They have no qualms about leaving behind children in schools that are “sinkholes of insouciant ignorance.” That slogan s🍬hould read: “Leave no one behind except most Americans — vote Democrat.”

 — Compiled by The Post Editorial Board