
Hunter Biden’s ‘sugar brother’ Kevin Morris could be prosecuted for ‘lies’ as Calif. State Bar opens ethics probe: ‘Mutually destructive spiral’

First son Hunter Biden isn’t the only one tied up in legal battles: so is his BFF super-lawyer Kevin Morris.

Morris, a fervent Democratic party supporter and Hollywood power broker best known for financially launching “South Park,” has become known as Hunter’s “sugar brother” for the money he has funneled to him, and the help he has given him.

Worth millions through his part in Hollywood deals, Morris allegedly loaned the younger Biden $2 million to pay off his overdue federal taxes, helped him market and sell some of his artwork, flies him around on his private jet and has acted as his fixer for Hunter’s myriad legal battles.

One critic called the relationship “mutually destructive spiral.”

And now, The Post can reveal, the California State Bar has opened an official ethics investigation into the flashy, bong-smoking Malibu lawyer, 60, who’s been linked to Hunter in what often s𓆏eems more like a bromance than an attorney-client relationship since 2019.

Hunter Biden and Kevin Morris have become so closely intertwined that the Hollywood powerbroker (right) is known as the First Son’s “Sugar Brother.” They are rarely photographed together but Hunter’s legal entanglements have spread to Morris, a multi-millionaire in his own right. Stephen Yang
Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Kevin Morris, seen taking a hit from a bong last month at his Malibu home during a visit from Hunter. @MALIBUUSTARS YOUTUBE / BACKGRID
Hunter Biden seen leaving Kevin Morris’ home late last month, a week after he made another visit to his house. The two’s closeness has drawn Morris into his own legal scrutiny. Garrett Press Photo/ MEGA

And in a separate development, on Friday it will be Morris’ turn to be in the legal spotlight. A conservative group which has publicized the contents of Hunter’s laptop is suing Morris in a California court to try and shut down his own lawsuit against it, accusing him of an attack on their free speech.

The developments show how Morris’ relationship with Hunter, 53, has enmeshed him in sprawling legal entanglements far removed from his regular deal-making, which as well as brokering a deal worth hundreds of millions for “South Park” has included investing in the hit “Book of Mormon” musical on Broadway.

Morris’ high-profile pals—many of them clients of the law firm where he was a partner until 2020—include Matthew McConaughey, Chris Rock, Courteney Cox and Minnie Driver.

His🐼 Hollywood credentials include being part of a power couple. his wife Gaby Morgerman is a partner in the motion picture talent department of uber-agents William Morris Endeavor.

The c🐷ouple share a sprawling Malibu home which they bought in 2009 for $11 million from the late Olivia Newton-John.

Morris is married to William Morris partner Gaby Morgerma. He was part of the same law firm as Kevin Yorn (left) and Alex Kohner (right) until 2020.
Kevin Morris pictured with celebrity pal Courteney Cox and her boyfriend, Johnny McDaid, of the group “Snow Patrol.” Getty Images

But now Morris has also taken over Hunter’s stake in an LLC, Skanateales, that owns 10% of a private equity fund called BHR that is controlled in large part by the Bank of China, .

BHR was founded shortly after Hunter and President Joe Biden visited China in 2013 and is a focus in House Republican investigations into the Bidens’ business dealings.

But because of his alliance with B♈iden, Morris also become embroiled in shenanigans of his own that are serious enough to have landed him in hot water with the California State ☂Bar.

The State Bar has warned him its investigation could result, documents obtained by The Post show, in “investigation or prosecution.” At the moment, however, Morris has been an attorney in good standing with the State Bar for 35 years. He declined comment to The Post.

Morris has allowed Hunter Biden to use his Dassault Falcon 50 private jet, including for flying to and from a recent Arkansas court appearance. SplashNews.com
This is the California State bar document which shows Morris is under formal investigation which could lead to “prosecution.” DeLuca-Suarez, Genelle

The probe arises out of Morris’ dealings with Irish filmmaker Phelim McAleer in the fall of 2021 when the attorney flew on his Dassault Falcon 50 private jet to Serbia, where McAleer and his wife Ann McElhinney were filming his movie “My Son Hunter,” a dramatic reconstruction of the First Son’s drug- and prostitute-filled years as revealed on Hunter’s laptop.

McAleer accuses Morris of “spying” on the set and saying only that he was a lawyer for Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of “South Park,” and that he was doing a documentary on Hunter.

McAleer alleges he never said he also represented Hunter or even knew him, an omission which McAleer used as the basis of the ethics complaint he filed with the State Bar last year.🌟

The State Bar’s Office of Chief Trial counsel has now placed Morris officially under investigation, assigned the case to an investigator and told McAleer it could lead to “further investigation and prosecution,” according to documents he shared with The Post.

“My Son Hunter,” whose set Morris is accused of crashing under false pretenses in Serbia, starred British actor Laurence Fox as the First Son, and reenacted scenes from his infamous laptop. "My Son Hunter" The Hunter Biden
The movie also showed Hunter taking up art. Morris was key to the sale of his paintings for six-figure sums. "My Son Hunter" The Hunter Biden

“He’s probably the worst lawyer Hunter Biden could have,” McAleer told The Post, referencing both Morris’ alleged antics on behalf of Hunter and also his bong-smoking.

Morris was photographed taking a bong rip on the balcony of his Malibu home last month wh♒en Hunter paid him the first of two recent visits.

“Between the two of them what you see is peak entitlement,” McAleer said. “They’re locked in a mutually destructive spiral that will end in tears.”

Friday’s court case involves an entirely separate legal battle for Morris.

Morris is suing the conservative research group , accusing founder Garrett Ziegler — a former Trump administration off꧟icial — of h🍷arassing him, doxxing him and releasing misleadingly editing texts allegedly between the two last year.

Morris is accused of gaining access to the set of “My Son Hunter” by saying he was attorney for “South Park” creators Trey Parker (left) and Matt Stone (right), which is true, but failing to disclose he represented Hunter. Jesse Grant
The California State Bar complaint was brought by conservative filmmaker Phelim McAleer, who made “My Son Hunter” with wife Ann McElhinney.

The texts were from someone using the alias “Jon Cooper” and who Morris claims is Ziegler, a claim a Marco Polo spokesman denies.

Morris has asked in the suit for a gag order on Marco Polo, banning the grou🌠p from talking about him in the future.

On Friday, a judge will consider a motion to throw out his case brought by Marco Polo, under California’s laws to prevent abuse of the courts to attack free speech, known as anti-SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) laws.

“The lawsuit is bulls–t,” the Marco Polo spokesman said. “It is a strategic lawsuit against public participation of speech. His arguments are completely bogus and unfounded.”

Kevin Morris is a friend of Minnie Driver and was a part of a high-powered law firm representing some big Hollywood stars like Matthew McConaughey and Chris Rock. He is also a novelist. Getty Images
Kevin Morris’ home outside LA. He is married to Gaby Morgerman, a top agent at William Morris and the two share a Malibu property they bought from Olivia Newton-John in 2009 for $11M. Garrett Press Photo/ MEGA

A Marco Polo spokesman said the organization has relied 😼on an infusion of $100,000 from donors to pay their legal fees.

“Morris knows he’s never gotten in trouble in his life. There have never been any consequences for his actions,” the spokesman said. “He doesn’t care about winning this suit. He just cares about making us rack up $2 million in legal fees.”

While it might seem strange that Morris would align himself with the crack-smokinꦓg, prostitute-frequenting Hunter, two sources told The Post that ಌbeing allied with Hunter affords him access to power.

“Hunter is still the president’s son,” one source said. “He can go to Camp David, he can go to the White House, he gets those political connections he otherwise wouldn’t have.”

Morris’ fortune runs into multiple millions, and includes a stake in “Book of Mormon,” the hit musical he helped finance. Getty Images
Morris turned to literature in 2016, in a parallel to Hunter turning to art, publishing “White Man’s Problems,” and launching it with a star-studded party.

Conservative journalist and author Peter Schweizer, the author of last year’s “,”said the problem is that “no one really knows what Kevin Morris’ motive is” when it comes to his interest in helping Hunter Biden.

“It’s possible that Kevin is not using his own money,” Schweizer told The Post. “His powerful friends in Hollywood could be funneling their money through Kevin to help Hunter. Morris is a Hollywood insider-slash-lawyer-slash-agent but in the context of this Biden story he is an absolute mystery.

“The problem here is that you have millions of dollars flowing to the first family of the US who are embroiled in foreign controversy. But there is zero transparency. We’re just supposed to do this guessing game.”

One guessing game involves Morris’ 2016 novel, “.” Like Hunter has with art, Morris, who hails from Media, Penn., has turned to literature in recent years.

The novel was written in 2♓016, three years before he and Hunter are said ൩to have first met.

One source speculated Morris is drawn to Hunter because the First Son has access to the White House and Camp David. He is seen landing from Camp David on Marine One, while President Biden leads Hunter’s youngest son, Beau, by the hand. Morris helped Hunter in his fight over paying for his lovechild Navy with ex-stripper Landon Roberts. AP
Kevin Morris has hosted Hunter Biden at his home outside LA twice in recent weeks, and was photographed at the Malibu home enjoying the use of a bong. @MALIBUUSTARS YOUTUBE / BACKGRID

But it includes a protagonist with a similar origin story to Hunter’s. The character’s mother dies in a car accident when he is a baby, as Hunter’s mother did, and he grows up to be successful, but is divorced and frequents strip clubs while fretting over a criminal probe into the buyout that got him rich years before.

“He sees himself as an artist but that’s not going to happen,” McAleer said of Morris.