Douglas Murray

Douglas Murray


A new generation of hate rises in America

There are some buildings where the penthouse floors look spectacꦍular. But the foundations and the lower floors are rotten.

It feels like that at the moment when looking at the US-Israel rel⛄ationship.

At the top floors all looks go♚od, clean and marble-covered.

To his credit President Biden gave a strong statement not so long after Israelis were massa💎cred in their hundreds.

And this week he showed up in Israel to show his support as the country prepares its response to Hamas.

At the top of the Republica🍸n and Democrat parties similar sentiments exist. You might easily think that all is well with the American foundations.

But it isn’t. There is rot inside the building.

Of course Congress has its own voices who🐲 actually seem to favor Hamas over the Isᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚraelis.

People like Ilhan Omar can’t summon up the briefest condemnation of Hamas before they move onto condemning a not-even-begun Israeli response.

It is the same with other Squad know-nothings.

Appearing in an interview this week AOC made clear once again that she’s no brainiac on the issue. Calling for a ceasefire, she w🥀as asked the easiest, most sympathetic questions by her CNN interviewer.

To which AO🌜C gave rep🅘lies like, “I think what we’re trying to figure out right now is . . .”

I think there’s quite a lot AOC should figure out. And do so before she spea🐠ks about the conflict in public again.

But they can’t shut up, these anti-Israel activists. And just as they whip along o🎃thers to hate, so th🔯ey are whipped along in turn.

When reports came in of a missile strike on a hospital in the Gaza any seasoned observer knew to hold their tongue.

I’ve seen this plenty of t🗹imes before in conflicts. If you know what’s best you wait to figure out what’s happened.

But the New York Times and other media didn’t bother to wait. Because they never can wait with Isr🔥ael. So they bla🅰med Israel for the strike.

Rep Rashida Tlaib piled in, claiming 🌞that “Israel just bombed the Baptist Hospital killin𝄹g 500 Palestinians (doctors, children, patients).”

And then she threatಞened the President — her own party leader — telling Biden, “Your war a🙈nd destruction only approach has opened my eyes and many Palestinian Americans and Muslims Americans like me. We will remember where you stood.”

Oh yeah? And do what?

Another Muslim immigrant to this country, Rep. Ilhan Omar, also claimed the hospital hit was an Israeli strike, writing that, “Bombing a hospital is among the gravest of war crimes. The IDF reportedly blowing up one of the few places the injured and woundꦬed can seek medical treatment and shelter during a war is horrific.”

Except that we now know t༒hat the rocket landed in the parking lot of the hospital and was not fired by Israel.

It was fired by a Palestinian terrorist group in the Gaܫza.

That is perfectly common there. Because Hamas and other groups often misfire their rockets. And why would that seem surprising? They have no care fꦜor Palestinian lives.

They forever fire rockets from Hos꧟pital grounds 💖and other places where they know they’ve got the Israelis in a corner.

Because if꧂ the Israelis do strike they risk k🌱illing innocent Palestinians.

And if they d🃏on’t strike they must allow rockets to keep hitting innocent Israelis.

And when the Palestinians’ own rockets ﷽misfire (as it seeℱms one did on this occasion) everyone blames Israel.

For groups like Hamas this is a ♔win-win. And dead Palestinians are part of thaꦗt win.

Because these groups don’t love the ಌPalestinian people. They use them.

The mo🉐re dead Palestinians the better for them. Not least because they know that idiots like tꦯhe Squad and the NYT will pass around Hamas’ version of events and turn everyone even more against Israel.

And it is a problem.

It’𝔍s a problem across Europe where ci🐎ty after city has been filled with immigrants and radicals opposed to the Jewish State.

In London this week they carried Hamas flags and taunted police. In Berlin ꦍpeople started putting sign⛦s on Jewish houses and firebombed a synagogue.

But the same hate is brewing here in America.

On Wednesday about 300 protestors✱ broke into the Capitol to protest against Israel. And this rot is evident everywhere.

It𝓡’s clear in the pro-Hamas protests in cities across this country.

Sure there have been pro-Israel protests. And people like Mayor Adams should be applauded for their strong stanc꧑e in defense of the state which was actually attacked here.

But underneath that top-level things are🐭 very rotten indeed.

Look at the professor at Cornell who the Post expoꦿsed for calling Hamas’s massacre of over a thousand Israelis “exhilarating” and “energiz⛎ing.”꧙

Or NYC Councilman Charles Barron tellജing an anti-Israel rally in NY that Israelis were “European converts to Judaism” wh🌊o had “stolen” Palestinian land. He went on to say “We can’t be kowtowed and afraid of the Israeli lobby.”

Or what about the member of the faculty at the Art Institute of Chicago, Mika Tosca, who this week called Israelis “pigs,” “savages” and “irredeemable excrement.”

Tosca calls herself a “radically optimistic transsexual climate scientist.” But I wonder if her dehum🅰anizing, anti-Semitic language reminds anꦏyone of anything?

Across t🍎his country there has been an outburst of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate.

And it isn’t from gnarled old bigots of the type Holly꧃🐻wood would paint.

It is from youngest people in the country. From the youngest m🌃embers of Congress. From the youngest peo🥃ple on campus. And from people like Mika who think they’re radically progressive while saying the most regressive things imaginable.

One instructor at Stanford was suspended this week after singling outౠ Jewish students from their classmates and referring to ♈“Only 6 million” Jews being murdered in the Holocaust.

That clearly 🔴wasn’t enough for him. And it’s clea🐓rly not enough for many of the other psychopaths who have decided that the murder of Jews is a good moment to call for more of the same.

The top floors of the American apartment building may be OK. But down below it♕’s not. No other minority would put up with being murdered and then taunted for being murdered. I don’t know why Jews should either.

I’m relieved that they are being supported from the top. But where is the support on the streets?💃 And what has happened to the rest of the damn building?