
DEI’s boost to antisemitism and more: Letters to the Editor — Oct. 22, 2023

Focus on bigotry

Thank you so much for publishing Tabia Lee’s opinion piece about when she was a diversity, equity and inclusion director and  saw antisemitism occurring at the university where she worked (“Stoking Hate,” PostOpinion, Oct. 19).

I am not Jewish, but I am very concerned about the spread of persecution and hatred of those who are of a different race, religion, gender identity, ethnicity, political ideology or any other polarizing issue that is destroying our country.
Please continue to publish more arti𒁏cles like this. It’s too important to ignore.

Lynda Worthington, American Fork, Utah

Health-care woes

It came as no surprise to me that Mary Lou Retton did not have health insurance (“$upport for USA Olympic icon,” Oct. 15).

This is the reality of Obama🌱Care. If you are covered by a corporate health plan or Medicare, you have no idea what those of us obtaining heal✱th insurance on the individual/small-business market have to deal with.

I was naive to believe it when former Pඣresident Barack Obama said health insurance would be affordable and that Americans could   keep their  health plan and their doctor.  What an incredible lie to the American people.

Not only are my choices limited in the individual market, but the cost is off the charts. Then factor in the very high deductibles/copay,  ෴and you realize that 💖the insurance covers very little. It is only great if you don’t get sick.

Agatha Nadel, Glen Head

Vexxed by vendors

I was happy to read that the city may finally deal with vendors who have all but taken over the pedestrian walkway on the Brooklyn Bridge in Manhattan (“Pushing peddlers off bridge,” Oct. 15).

While I understand that licensed vendors are able to sell their wares l💜egally, that has never given them the right to block sidewalks and roadways.

The area they have set up in is clearly marked on various maps as a “pedestrian walkway” and should never be blocked. Complaints to the city’s 311 system have essentially ꧑done nothing. Thanks for raising this issue.

John Ost, Manhattan

Plan for Gaza

David Adesnik raises an interesting possibility —  Egypt organizing a move, along with other Arab states that  have reached a rapprochement with Israel, to bring about a Palestinian state that would co-exist peacefully with the nation-state of the Jews (“Arab world’s chance in Gaza,” Oct. 19).

Freed from the oppressive rule of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinians could finally get the opportunity to build a state in which they could become productive citizens and off⭕er a better future to their children.

It would be wonderful if this plan would incl𒐪ude freeing the Palestinian refugees born in United Nations Relief and Works Agency camps from generations of being stuck in limbo, welcoming these highly educate💙d people as citizens of the state they could help to build and freeing UN resources for the rehabilitation of survivors of recent natural disasters and civil unrest.

Toby F. Block, Atlanta, Ga.

Woke judge

Judge Valentina Morales is one of the new class of woke judges enabled by the no-bail reform law (“She has ‘free’ reign,” Oct. 15).

That law, together with eight years of doofus Mayor Bill de Blasio, is why New York struggles today with homelessness, drugs and crime. You get what you vote for. Wake up, New York.
Gary Layton, Interlaken, NJ

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@btc365-futebol.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.