Human Interest

Researcher claims suspicious footprints, boar ‘ripped f–king clean in half’ proves existence of Australia’s Bigfoot

An Australian yowie researcher is convinced eerie footage showing a boar sliced in half and a number of large “footprints” leadi💮ng away from the scene is proof the creature exists.

The clip, believed to have been filmed in North Queensland several ye🎀ars ago, has recently resurfaced across social media channels and online forums.

It shows aꦜ group of workers discovering the carcass of a wild boar ripped cleanly in two, with “footprints” leading away from the graphic scene.

The men in the minute-🅠long video are heard toiling over what could have caused the animal’s death.

“F***ing ripped clean in half, and then this next to it.” one of the men declar🀅es as he pans from the boar’s remains to the large supposed footprint.

The footprint 𓄧in question dwarfs theꦍ man’s workboot in width and length.

“It’s gone up the 🤡hill,” he continues, as the footage shows what appears to be the footstepꦡs disappearing into the bush.

Harrison has spent 25 years researching yowies.

Dean Harrison has spent 25 years researching yowies — Australia’s version of Bigfoot — after a supposed personal interaction with the mysterious beast in South East Queensland.

He told that he received theౠ footage from the source about two years ago, and most elements check out.

Evidence includes large footprints.

“Those toes are perꦆfect – like other examples of relic hominids,” he sa꧒id.

He said the workers’ reaction in the video was another factor that made him think it was legitimate, stating “the narrative seems very genu༒ineꦯ”.

“I also receive reports of animals ripped in half all the tဣime,” he added, stating that often there is little mess, as was the case with this report.

Mr. Harr💞ison claims a source revealed the clip was taken by a crew working on the Adani Rail project in Central Queensland between the small mining towns of Glendenꦅ and Claremont.

The footage also showed a wild boar sliced in half.
Workers also reported feelings of being “watched” on the site.

They reported finding drag marks off🙈 the access track and followed them 𝔍for a few hundred metres, where they found the torn-apart pig and footprints leading back into the bush.

According to the witnesses, Mr. Harrison claims, Indigenous workers on the project 🌼reported feeling as if﷽ they were being watched and other strange occurrences on the project, including sightings of Min Min lights, strange noises, and unexplained visitors in camp.

“In my opinion, everything looks rꦛ෴ight,” Mr. Harrison said.

Australian Yowie Research, Mr. Harrison’s research hub, has logged over 1,00ꦛ0 ✤reports of yowies in every Australian state and territory.

According to its findings, New South Wales (54 percent) and Queensland (30 percent) are the most prevalent states for findings.