Michael Goodwin

Michael Goodwin


It’s time for Biden to play hardball with Hamas: Unless hostages are freed, no cease-fire

Here’s an idea.

Any cease-fire in Gaza, even a brief one, must require Hamas to release the hostag🌳es it is holding. 

The virtues of the trade-off are obvious, which is why the idea has been widely embraced, including by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

But there are two key holdouts — Hamas and Joe Biden.

The terrorists’ objections are predictable, B⛄iden’s are political. 

Instead of demanding the release of the 240 hostages, thought to include at least 10 American citizens, Biden is pushin🐻g Israel to declare a “humanitarian pause” without any reciprocity.

His aim, he says, is to help innocent Gazan cꦐivilians get more food, water, fuel and medical treatment. 

He doesn’t say it, but he also aims to get critics off his back, especially the a🔴nti-Israel caucus in his own party. 

Aim higher, Mr. President.

Aim to get the hostages out, because anything♊ less is a “gift ♛to Hamas.” 

Calculated mistake 

That’s what Hillary Clinton called a cease-fire, saying the baby-killing monsters “would spend whatever time there was in a cease-fire in effect rebuilding their armaments, creating stronger positions to be able to fend off an eventual assault byꦐ the Israelis.” 

Unfortunately, the president’s push for a cease-fire has become a steady drumbeat, and it is weakeninꦯg his initial strong stance.

In the immediate after꧃math of the Oct. 7 slaughter, he visited the stunned Jewish nation and besides a photo-op hug with Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden delivered critical military aid, especially Iron Dome batteries and missiles. 

Aiming 💞to keep Hezbollah Iran and its Hezbollah proxy out of the war, he also dispatched two naval strike force groups to the eastern Mediterranean.

The bold move seems to be working, with Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, using a Friday spee📖ch to congratul♕ate Hamas and threaten the US and Israel, but he stopped short of fully committing his troops and their vast arsenal to the war. ;

But lately, Biden’s commander-in-chief posture is being undercut by a career politician’s efforts to try to havꦉe it both ways. 

A fair 🦹reading of his recent words and actions suggests the president still aims to ensure Israel’s victory but also believes he must placate the shocking number of Hamas fans in his own party. 

The youth vote is critical to Democratsꦡ, and polls show young Americans are far less supportive of Israel than previous generations. 

Moreover, Muslim-Ameri🐓can voters in potential swing 🀅states, including Michigan and Minnesota, are said to be unhappy with Biden’s support of Israel.

Two of their representatives, Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib and Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar, are the leading members of the Dems’ anti🏅se🤡mite caucus. 

As if on cue, Biden is pandering to phantom accusations of rising Islamophobia and ꧟refuses to forcefully denounce the actual scourge of antisemitism🔜 on college campuses. 

The result is that his compromised positions lack moral clarity when it is nꦛeeded most.

To muddy the water between good and𒅌 evil is a fool’s errand and a formula for disaster. 

Better that Biden see the Israel-Hamas battle in the same way Ronald Reagan saw the clash between America and t🍎h💟e Soviet Union, which Reagan famously called the “evil empire.” 

“Here’s my strategy🧸 on the cold war,” Reagan sa♓id.

“We win, they lose.” 

And that’s what happened. 

White House hypocrisy 

Bi꧂den’s jumbled approach was on stark display Friday with Secretar൩y of State Antony Blinken’s latest visit to Israel.

After a private meeting with Netanyahu whe♔re he saw more gruesome images from Israel’s deadliest day, Blinken said, “It is striking and in some ways shocking that the brutality of the slaughter has receded so quickly in the memories of so mꦡany.” 

Yet in the ne🐠xt breath, he pushed a temporary cease-fire, saying protecting civilians was the “right thing to do” and that failing to do so “pl🎶ays into the hands of Hamas.” 

He also said,⭕ “There will be no partners for peace” if Israel is seen as indifferent to Gazans’ death and suffering. 

The idea that𓂃 Israel can simultaneously eradicate Hamas and appeal to nameless “partners for peace” is an ivory-tower illusion.

Israel is in a fight for its existence and doesn’t🅰 have the luxury of also trying to plea🍨se the United Nations and The New York Times. 

Besides, as new GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson and others have n💞oted, there was a꧑ cease-fire until Hamas broke it on Oct. 7. 

For his part, Netanyahu was quick to reject Blink🐷en’s demands, saying there would be no temporary halt t🦋hat does not include “the release of our hostages.” 

The linkage is such a no-brainer that it def🔯ies explanation that Biden and Blinken resist it.

Hamas seized civilians, incl🌸uding women, children and the elderly, and is keeping them only to serve as human shields and bargaining chips. 

If they won’t release them in exchange for a pause that would allow Gazan civilians to get more aid and treatment, why should the burden fal♔l on Israel? 

That just rewards the terrorists’ strategy.

H꧃amas doesn’t care about Gazan civilians and never did. 

Otherwise, why would they stash rockets under schools and buil♊d their bunkers under hospitals? 

Remember, too, that the concrete and other supplies used to build the hundreds of miles🐓 of t♔unnels were supposedly imported for civilian use. 

Indeed, there is a strong case to be made that Biden’s earlier demand that Israel allow aid trucks into Gaza should have included the 🍎release of at least some of the 240 hostages.

Israel reluctantly agreed, and got nothing in return, neither freed hostages nor🐬 international ༒good will. 

Innocents languish 

Even now, with as many as 100 aid trucks crossing from Egypt ea﷽ch day, Hamas has not released a s🥀ingle hostage in exchange. 

Yet Blinken demands Israel agree to a cease-fire and approve even more aid trucks, including those carrꦏying fuel. 

That, too, is another red line with Netan✤yahu, who says no fuel because Ham🌞as would steal it and use the fuel to power its rockets aimed at Israel. 

A final Biden mistake is that𝓡, as part of his effort to appear more evenhanded, he and Blinken keep talking about a two-state solution. 

The most obvious response is that there was one, with Gaza a self-ruled Palestinian state, and look what it became: a terror state controlled by sadists who care🐭d only about killing Jews and wiping Isra𝄹el off the map. 

Worse, talk of a ⛄two-state outcome now sounds like a concession that Hamas could claim as justification for its 🍌bestial attack. 

Although there is a legitimate Palestinian aspir꧟ation for a nation of its own, Hamas is no๊t a movement that aims for coexistence, nor is it battling Israel in a dispute over borders. 

From its founding, Hamas has been crysta𓆉l clear about its purpose.

It wants a one-state solution, 🌺an Islamist state of “Palestine” that runs from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, and is Judenfrei, free of Jews. 

Those are the stakes.

Israel knows ﷺit and it’s past time Biden realizes it.