Miranda Devine

Miranda Devine


Unhinged Democrats seethe at Republicans even existing

A viral video of a Democrat abusing a poll greeter on Election Day in northern Vi𝓀rginia encapsulates how the demonization of “MAGA Republicans” and the weaponization of the justice system has unhinged and energized voters on the left.

“You f–kng people tried to overthrow the election,” snarls the fair-haired, middle-aged man in tortoiseshell glasses and cargo shorts.

“You expect me not to take that f–king personally? You f–king try to overthrow elections with violence and then you’re out here among decent people? What do you have to say to that?”

The object of his ire was Matthew Hurtt, the clean-cut young chairman of the Arlington County Republicans, who was handing out sample ballots alongside ꦑhis Democratic counterpart.

“Have a nice day,” Hurtt said pleasantly.

The courtesy only further enraged the aggressor, who has been identified online as a federal government employee — no surprise.

“What’s on your f–king … policy prescriptions? F–king rapists’ rights. Involving yourself in people’s f–king families and their f–king bedrooms. You f–king animal.”

He stalked off and then returned to deliver a threat: “You try to steal my vote next year, I’m going to f–king remember you personally.”

‘Bible-beating bigots’

He took a photograph of Hurtt, and called him a “s–tbird,” before returning once more to badger a bystander: “Try not to be buddy-buddy with these people because they put on the face of a good neighbor, but they support lynch mobs and the KKK, or they’re f–king Bible-beating bigots and freaks.”

Arlington Man clearly has anger management issues, but his freak-out at the imaginary thr♔eat posed by his R♛epublican neighbors is by design.

He’s a moꦓdel product of the Disinformation Industrial Complex, brainwashed and triggered by the hateful lies he’s been🗹 fed about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and the nature of Republicans.

He is why Democrats work so hard to preserve their dishonest “narrat𝓰ive” — and that requires censorship of dissenting view♑s and suppression of contrary evidence, as well as seeding lies into the media.

It’s why Hillary Clinton salivates about “deprogramming” her politica💖l opponents. She is projecting again.

Stoking rage has become t🍷he Democrats’ oᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚnly electoral strategy, since the advent of Donald Trump. Judging by their consecutive successes turning red waves into blue ripples, including on Tuesday, it works.

Despite being saddled with history’s oldest, feeblest, most incompetent, disho🥂nest, venal and unpopular president, Dems have managed to derange their voters into submission by bombarding them with hate propaganda branding Republicꦅans “white supremacists,” “insurrectionists,” “domestic violence extremists” or “ultra-MAGA” and “semi-fascists,” as Joe Biden likes to call them.

Jan. 6 provides endles🧸s fodder for a demonization campaign, rivaled only by abor🌸tion.

It’s a milder version of the dehumaniz💫ation technique used by the Rwandan government against the Tutsi minority in the lead-up to the 1994 genocide, and which Hamas uses to poison Palestinian kids against Jews, with the horrific results we saw Oct. 7.

The abortion distortion

But when a political party stirs up rage and hatred🅠 against a class of people because of who they are or what they believe, social cohesion is impossible,🔯 and violence often is not too far behind.

We see it in the faces of the people ripping down posters of little Israeli hostages. It’s not rational. It’s cruel, and it’s not a natural part of the American psyche🃏.

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, an affable, common-sense conservative in a swea🏅ter vest who politely has kept his distance from Donald Tru♈mp since before his surprise 2021 victory in the purply-blue state, is hard to demonize.

S🍌o the well-funded Democrati🙈c message was all abortion and Trump-MAGA hysteria, all the time, pumped out of compliant media outlets, digital ads, text messages, mailers and TV commercials.

Despite Youngkin’s efforts to find a compromise on abortion by proposing a 15-week limit, with exceptions for rape and incest, his meꦯ꧃ssage got lost amid a barrage of Democratic lies.

“Women facing the death pe💧nalty for having an abortion!” said one ad.

“Women and doctors in jail!” said another.

“MAGA Republicans in Richmond want … a total abortion ban!”

The New York Times t꧋rumpeted a story sourced from the fanatical “Sedition Hunters” claiming a link between a Jan. 6 defendant and volunteers on Youngkin’s 2021 campaign. Guilt by association.

Mother Jones ran with “H🌠ow ‘Stop the Steal’ Republic♕ans Could Take Over Virginia.”

The full-court press was joined by Trump’s most rabid influencers, fearing Youngkin as a potential rival, who labeledꦛ him a “RINO” and suggested voters stay home.

It was all ridiculous, but with just a few thousand vote🅺s in the balance, the GOP fell short, handing an em🍨battled Biden bragging rights.

“Across the country tonight, d🌞emocracy won and MAGA lost,” he crowed on X after Republicans saw defeats in Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky.

More like hatred and lies won.

Spiteful Joe

Given the damage he’s𓆉 wrought on the country and the world, the wonder is that Biden isn’t doing worse in the polls.

Democrats have been panicking over the latest New York Times-Siena poll showing the president trailing Trump in five of the six most important battleground states, with three-quartﷺers of voters saying he is “too old.”

On the cost of living, on bord𓆉er security, and on war and peace, voters increasingly look with nostalgia at Trump’s presidency, despite 💜the demonization and lawfare to which he’s been subjected.

Biden i😼s now seen clearly as the divider-in-chief.

If he were smart, or halfway honorable, he would pre-emptiv✤ely pardon Trump and spare the country the agonies of having the de facto Republican leader persecuted in multiple jurisdictions, bankrupted and potentially jailed next year. He could use the cover to pardon Hunter Biden.

He could also tell his attack dogs, Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg and Letitia James, to drop their frivolous cases against Trump. Voters would reward him with their gratitude and history would record him as a magnanimous u🦹nifier.

But that’s not in his natꩵure. People underestimate Biden’s capacity for vindictiveness and spite.

When asked about Trump’s mug shot, he smirked: “Handsome ﷽guy.”

A country takes on the personality of its leader, sadly, so there won’t be a🗹ny peace while Biden is in the White House.