Australian TV star accidentally posts nude video

S♓he’s known for baring it all on air – but the phr🍬ase took on new meaning for Jess Eva during a recent Studio 10 appearance.

On Sunday, the “Block” star and radio presenter posted a behind-the-scenes video to show her Instagram fans all the work that goes into a TV appearance.

The short clip featured Eva getting her hair and makeup done, befo꧙re stepping out of shot to strip down a꧋nd get changed – without realizing there was a mirror behind her.

She later edited her caption to include a funny dig at herself foꦗr the mistake.

“Updated warning!” she wro൲te to her 116,00♐0 followers.

“I’m so sorry I fo💜rgot there were mirrors in the dressing rooms that you could see! #bumcrackwarning.”

The short clip featured Eva getting her hair and makeup done, before stepping out of shot to strip down and get changed – without realizing there was a mirror behind her. Jess Eva/Instagram

Eva added: “The ENTIRE journey that is the before and after for [Studio 10]. An꧒d the artistry of the team that it takes to allow you to sit on the couch.”

The accidentally X-rated post went down a storm with fans, who weighed in with their own 🌼puns.

“Hahaha! You crack me up,” one teased.

“Oh Jess, you ‘crack us up,” another wrote.

The accidentally X-rated post went down a storm with fans, who weighed in with their own puns. Jess Eva/Instagram

Others praised her for owning the gaffe.

“Good on ya, girlfriend!” a fan said, while an🔯ot﷽her gushed: “OMG, you’re the best! Gotta love ya.”

Eva quickly became a fixture in the Australian media landscape after appearing alongside her partner, Norm Hogan, on “The Block” in 2018.

Eva later edited her caption to include a funny dig at herself for the mistake. Jess Eva/Instagram

She went on to land a co-hosting role on the Triple M breakfast show, before it was abruptly cancelled at the end of♔ 2022.

Eva has also appeared as a contestant on “I’m A Celebrity … Get Me Out Of Here!” and released a memoir. She now appears regularly as a presenter on Ten’s morning talk program, “Studio 10.”