
Promoting antisemitism and more: Letters to the Editor — Nov. 26, 2023

Blatant bigotry

I want to commend Isaac Schorr for his recent piece about how Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens have tried to justify the rise in antisemitism (“Shameful Nods to Antisemitism,” PostOpinion, Nov. 17). 

I don’t think anyone should be surprised by this because Owens and Carlson both have a history of hateful r🐓emarks. 

For example, they have both tried to justify Russian President Vladimir Putin’s genocidal ꦯwar against Ukraine, and they 🙈have both made excuses for the Jan. 6 terrorists.

In addition, Owens tried to justify Derek Chauvin’s racist murder of George Floyd by pointing out Floyd’s criminal record, and Carlson once made a homophobic remark about Pete Buttigieg and his husband “br🗹east-feeding” the twins they adopted. They’re not conservatives, they’re reactionaries. 

John Francis Fox, Sunnyside

Medium rare

Politicians love to pay lip service to animal welfare, and yet so few of them hold the position that would do most to relieve the suffering of our fellow creatures (“Italy beco🤪mes first country in the world to ban l𓆉ab-grown meat,” Nov. 18). 

That would look like supporting increased public funding for cultiv♛ated-meat research. Cultivated meat is grown from livestock cells, without slaughter.

Though th⛄e protein is currently sold in a handful of restaurants, it’s prohibitively expensive to produce on a mass scale. More government support for cellular-agriculture development will help rectify this. 

Compassionate politicians, especially🔜 those working at the national level, should back efforts to transition away from animal husbandry.

J. Hochschartner, Granby, Conn.

Clean the swamp

Columnist extraordinaire James Bovard provided the most concise explanation for the rise of former President Donald Trump and the MAGA movement (“So follow the money then!” Nov. 21). 

Additionally, in the article, a former Hunter Biden associ🐲ate was quoted saying Biden’s business ventures were “completely normal.”

Let that be the historic epitaph for the fetid swamp devouring our natiღon next year.

Timothy O’Neill, Pompano Beach, Fla.

Energy truths

The Public Service Commission has approved billions for projects without sufficiently vetting the facts, which I believe would expose renewable energy as inefficient, technically flawed and more costly than conventional energy (“ ‘Electric heat’ mandates are another g💖reen road to New York’s ruin,” Editorial. Nov. 19). Billions of dollars 🌱are up for grabs. 

The governor is giving out fundin🧸g to developers, who will construct these renewable energy projects usi༒ng taxpayer dollars. 

The legal and econo💞mic models of the St. Lawrence and Niagara Pow🔯er Projects need to be revisited to maintain energy sanity in New York state.

James Foley, Airmont

Freudian quips

New York has elected some real beauties to Congress. Rep. Dan Goldman said former President Donald Trump needed to be “eliminated” (“ ‘Eliminate’ not the best word,” Victor Nava. Nov. 21).

Was Goldman suggesting the assassination of a former president? This seemed so, but then Goldman later♛ said he used the wrong term. 

What if assassination was actually what Goldman meant? Will he face consequences? Will th🌳e FBI investigate and check his phone𒁏 records? 

Freudian slips can be very revealing.

Jack Ridolph, The Villages, Fla.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@btc365-futebol.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.