
My Lifeforce review: 41 and taking control of my health

Approaching 42 is a wake-up call. No longer am I “only 39 again” or “just over 40.” I am officially “over the hill,” as they say. 

Listen, I don’t feel bad; I feel pretty healthy. However, I know I can feel better. Not 💦just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. 

As I go i𝐆nto the new year, soon to be my 42nd, I want to be proactive about my health and avoid what some ♋may say are inevitable problems down the road. 

Enter , the proactive healthcare company, co-founded by Dr. Peter Diamandis and renowned author and motivational speaker Tony Robbi🤪ns. Its data-driven and personalized approach to health resonated with me, so I wanted to give it a try.

Before I dive🅷 deep into the details, I will dismiss what I bet you’re thinking: This is not anothe🔯r online weight loss program. It is, in fact, so much more.

From Average to Optimized: Starting with Lifeforce

Screen grab of Lifeforce results
Barret Wertz

Lifeforce takes a proactive stance on health, unlike many other healthcare programs I’ve researched. It doesn’t treat symptoms after they appear but focuses on early prevention through comprehensive biomarker testing and planning for the future with the body you have now. 

This in-depth analysis examines over 40 essential biomarkers, including hormone balance, nutrient levels, metabolic function, and organ health, pro💎viding a detailed snapshot of your current health status.

Before Lifeforce, I was just going about my business, not minding my health beyond eating healthy food and ensuring I got in 30 minutes of elevated heart rate a couple of times per week. Afte𒊎r Lifeforce … Let’s just say my outlook has changed.  

At my convenience, I could schedule a meeting with a phlebotomist — a medical professional trained to perform blood draws —🤪 in my own home. And if I didn’t want to complete my visit at home, Lifeforce also provided me with the option to viꦐsit my local LabCorp.

Yes, you read that correctly. Through Lifeforce, a trusted phlebotomist was available when I was ready. And if I didn’t want to complete my visit at home, Lifeforce also prov💞ided me with the option to visit my local LabCorp.

and receive $225 off your first diagnostic using code NYPOST.

Working with Experts: Doctors and Health Coaches

Screen grab of Lifeforce results
Barret Wertz

The results I learned from my diagnostic with🅠 is where the story really gets interesting. 

I received my results mere days after the draw, and as you can guess by reading the words I have written, I am not a medi﷽cal professional. However, as part of the diagnostics, I received an hour𒀰-long consultation with one. 

Lifeforce pairs you with a dedicated functional medicine clinician who interprets your biomarker baseline results and develops a pers♒onalized plan. Dr. Kimberly Hartzfeld, my Lifeforce doctor who has a background in osteopathic medicine (DO) and is an OB-GYN, was incredibly knowledgeable and patient, explaining c🌠omplex concepts to me in a clear and easy-to-understand way.

What she told me had me floored.

Screen grab of Lifeforce results
Barret Wertz

I was unaware of certain imbalances and deficiencies in my body, such as low vitamin D and magnesium levels, and surprisingly low l♊evels of testosterone (something fa♏r more common for men my age than I realized). This valuable information became the foundation for crafting a personalized plan tailored to my unique needs and goals.

Equally important is the ongoing support provided by a dedicated health coach. Lifeforce health coaches offer guidance, motꦿivation, and accountability, all designed to help you stay committed to your p𝔍lan and celebrate every milestone as you go. 

Lifeforce e💛xtends far beyond the initial diagnostic services, too. It offers advanced nutraceuticals, such as vitamin D+K, omegas, magnesium, and CoQ10, as well as prescription pharmaceuticals, including testosterone for hormone optimization and semaglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist or GLP-1, used to the manage blood glucose levels and HbA1c in people with type 2 diabetes, similar to drugs like Ozempic.

However, here’s what I consider the key🏅 difference with Lifeforce — not once did Dr. Hartzfeld make me feel like I had to buy the additional products Lifeforce was selling. And if I’m honest🦹, that made me want to buy them more.

and receive $225 off your first diagnostic using code NYPOST.

Membership Benefits: Beyond the Initial Diagnostic

Additionally, if you sign up for a full Lifeforce membe𝓡rship, you have access to a range of benefits, including:

  • Lifeforce Diagnostic Every 3 Months: Includes an at-home blood test, a clinical report with an easy-to-read dashboard, a telehealth visit, and a personalized health optimization program.
  • A personalized health optimization program: This customized plan outlines specific actions you can take to improve your health and well-being.
  • Regular telehealth consultations with your doctor: This allows for ongoing monitoring of your health and adjustments to your personal plan as needed.
  • Health coaching support: Consistent guidance and support ensure you stay on track and achieve your goals.
  • Exclusive therapies: Access to cutting-edge treatments, such as hormone optimization and peptides, further enhancing the personalized approach to health optimization.
  • Educational resources: Lifeforce provides a wealth of educational resources, including articles, webinars, and podcasts, to help you learn more about optimizing your health.
  • Discounts: Lifeforce members receive discounts on various health and wellness products and services.

Data-Driven Results: Seeing and Feeling the Difference

Lifeforce supplements DHEA Magnesium and Vitamin D+K

Lifeforce’s data-driven approach has been a game-changer for me. Instead of vague goals and aspirations, I now have clear, measurable objectives, such as increasing my vitamin D and magnesium levels and monitoring my testosterone and blood sugar. 

This shift in mindset has empowered me to track my progress and make educated adjustments to my daily life. 𝓰I feel confident that I can continue seeing positive improvements for years to come.

Investing in Your Future: Is Lifeforce Worth It?

Screen grab of Lifeforce results
Barret Wertz

While Lifeforce may not be the cheapest option available, the investment in my health is invaluable.🃏 What is it the finance guys say? “The best time to invest was yesterday. The second best time is today.” 

By starting to take this more seriously now, knowing I am starting with a 78% opti♛mal baseline, I can compound on that to be healthier for longer and enjoy life more as I age. Instead of staring at the wall of vitamins and my given drugstore or scrolling through endless online recommendations of which supplements men my age need, Lifeforce allows me to nix the unnecessary noise and narrow my focus in on exactly what my body actually needs right now.  

Woman relaxing with Lifeforce bottle

If you are serious about taking control of your health and achieving optimal well-being, I recommend exploring what Lifeforce has to offer. Take a diagnostic test, purchase high-quality supplements, or sign up for the full♍ membership — any step forward is an investment in your future.

and receive $225 off your first diagnostic using code NYPOST.

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