
Iran declares war on US in Red Sea (and beyond) — as Biden does nothing

Iran is warring on the United States in the Red Sea and elsewheꦕre. Will President Biden do anything?

No, there’s been no open declaration of this war. 

But the Islamic Republic and its proxies — the self-dubbed “Axis of Resistance” — have been moving against US assets and interests with deepening intensity.

Look at the attacks from Yemen’s Houthis♔ on commercial traffic in the Red Sea.

These Nazi-inspired (really; they use the Nazi salute) servants of Tehran have launched at least 100 attacks against 14 diff🍒erent ships just over the ꩲpast month.

The group claims it’s striking ships heading to Israel, but that’s an obvious lie: Its most recent attack targe♊ted a cont💮ainer ship heading from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan. 

No, the attacks aim to close the Red Sea to commercial traffic — in other words, to shore 🍸up yet more fully Iran’s accelerating campaign for regional hegemony. 

That’s the case with Hamas’ Oct. 7 atrocities, a Tehran-blessed op🎐eration

With Iran’s nuclear buildout, ramping up enrichment and tripling its ura𒊎nium pr🧜oduction

With attไacks o��n US targets from jihadist militias in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. 

Biden’s done his level best to ignore it all, refus⛦ing to go on the offensiv🐎e against our enemies

No shock there: He’s as much of an Iran appeaser as his old boss Barack Obama, beg🔯ging the mad mullahs to come back into a nuke deal and offering them billions in payoffs. 

Indeed🌊, Biden’s r🐬efusal to even see Iran’s drive to dominate the region echoes Obama’s identical blindness.

Mind you, Tehran’s quest for hegemony predates Obama: It is central to the regime’s self-justification; expanding the sway of the Islamic Republic is as “necessary” as spreading Communism worldwide was for the Soviets.

But it’s due to Obama and now Biden that Iran is closer than ever to that regional domination.

This handout screen grab captured from a video shows Yemen's Houthi fighters' takeover of the Galaxy Leader Cargo in the Red Sea coast off Hudaydah, on November 20, 2023 in the Red Sea, Yemen.
Yemen’s Houthis have launched over 100 attacks on commercial traffic in the Red Sea this month. Houthi Movement via Getty Images

All while brutal🅷ly humiliating the United States again and again, thanks to Biden’s refusal to meaningfully retaliate.&nb♔sp;

Past a certain point, effective reta💎lꦅiation may become impossible. 

America —ไ and her allies — should pray Biden wakes up bef🦩ore then.

But theyꦓ must prepare for the worst, given his ugly record so far. 𓆏;