
New Year, fresh hell: What to expect from 2024, according to your sign — and how to see it through

The new year is upon us my babies —🍒 and with it the call to be born bꦉack better.

2024 begins with Mercury ending its retrograde in Sagittarius, a real boon for making lofty resolutions that serve a higher purpose. (For advice on what kind of resolve to employ based on your zodiac sign, see here.)

In terms of collective advice for the month ahead and the year to come, I bring you the words and the imperative of Mercury in Sagittarius native : “You should never feꩲel afraid toꦬ become a piece of art. It’s exhilarating.”

Be art, f–k fear, can dig.

In terms of numerol꧃ogy, the power number of 2024 is 8, a hallowed symbol of𓆉 achievement, abundance, fortune and balancing the scales of karmic debt.

In Chinese numerology, the number is considered so lucky that it is sought out for 💮inc꧟lusion in wedding dates, business deals, and home addresses.

An upright infinity sign, the number 8 speaks to the ever flowing cycles of life, d🧸eath and retribution. In perfect balance it receives and releases in equal measure.

We’ll take it, folks.

In tarot, the number 8 corresponds to the Strength card. Getty Images/iStockphoto

In co🐼rrespondence, the eighth card in the Major Arcana of the tarot is Strength.

Associated with the zodiac sign of Leo, this is the Universal Tarot Card for 2024. In tꦕerms of yearly outlook, the Strength card, formerly known as Fortitude, pertains to emotional resilience, personal power and joy as the most triumphant mode of resistance.

This fortitude is depicted in the iconography of the card itself; a lion keeps compa🅠ny with a serene woman, a marriag𒁏e of physical ferocity and gentle faculty.

✃The lion represents passion, the ego, joie de vivre and the search for human connection. The big cat is also a stand-in for the shadow side of Leo energy, which manifests as surface level self-serving when needs go unmet, deeds go unnoticed and the deeper aspects of the self unexplored.

In contrast and compliment, the woman in whit♔e symbolizes the self-love required to cure, or tame if you will, destructive impulses and topical pursuits.

Relative to the number 8, the maiden is crowned with the ♍infinity symbol, suggesting the lim🌳itless capacity of the human heart.

This card, and this year, offer an invitation to explore the frontier of our own wildness. How and why do we feel most alive? Operating from t൩his place of vital fulfillment allows us to 🌳live freely, give fully and love fearlessly.

Happy New Year one and al🃏l —  long may you roar and art may you be🌄come.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Let tenderness be your first and only weapon this month, Aries. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Chiron, the wounded healer, is finally going direct in your sign after a five month retrograde, Aries. Pain can be clarifying, sharpening the lens on what matters, what triggers and what eases. When we are activated, we can, if we choose, also be illuminated by our own power to integra𒁏te and evolve. Armed with newfound tenderness towards yourself and others, you are poised now — more than ever 🎐— to be a warrior of alleviation.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

The sun in Capricorn highlights your ninth house of expansion and exploration, Taurus. J♛upiter, planet of🎶 getting lucky and letting the dice roll, going direct in your sign this month means there has never been a finer time to go big, bet large and stay away from home. Leave the pasture with an open mind and an unbuttoned shirt.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Get out there and after it, Gemini. iStock

Venus is in the good time and glad rags sign of Sagittarius this month, Gemini, encouraging you to seek the strange and shake loose the known. The sun in Capricorn activates your eighth house of sex, death and transformation, suggesting that aforementioned strange could and should take the form of a one night stand or a long night of shadow work. Ideally for the dual-leaning twins, it’s both at once.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

With the sun and Mars in your opposite sign of Capricorn, this month feels especially relationship-oriented for you, Cancer. You’re a sacrificial care bear, baby, a martyr for love and a sucker for a broken wing. But guess what? You can change that script at any point. Who would you be if you didn’t have to rescue anyone? Might this be the year that you choose reciprocity over exhaustion? I’ve got my crab claws crossed for you to write a new contract for commitment.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

New year, new tarot and this card is for you, Leo. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Strength, your governing slice of the divining deck is The Tarot Card of the Year for 2024.You know how to be strong Leo, but where could you stand to be soft? Whether it’s lowering your voice or sweetening your approach, you can lead by example and lead the rest of us onward and upward, towards new levels of emotional resilience and cup-filling love. A full moon in your sign on January 25 is a (cat) call to tread lightly and try mightily.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

The sun and Mars in Capricorn are playing hopscotch in your fifth house of pleasure, play, creativity and the inner child, Virgo. During this season I urge you to consider that creativity does not resign itself to artistic expression, nor is pleasure solely synonymous with indulgence. In the spirit of a new year, a clean slate and for purposes of growth, remember the words of productivity expert , “You can do anything but you can’t do everything.” Abundance and aim are the name of the game.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

The sun and Mars in Capricorn form a cardinal square (and function as a capital buzzkill) for you, Libra. Feeling the friction between duty and desire, obligation and personal objective, family ties and flights of fancy, you may be tempted to lean into self-indulgence. But you would be better served by locking it up and using the lessons of the sea goat to streamline and strategize, so you can let loose with grounded gratification when the sun moves into fellow air sign Aquarius on the 20th. Trust me when I t⛄🔜ell you, pleasure earned is a whole new kind of kink.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

How will you protect what is starting to stir in your soil. Scorpio? Getty Images

Mars, the god of war — and your ancient planetary ruler — is setting up shop in the bootstrapping sign of Capricorn for a six week stint. Mars is known for his association with warfare, but he is also, and equally, an agricultural guardian, charged with protecting saplings and seeds from fledgling to fruition. This duality between brutality and beauty is a metaphor for you this month, Scorpio.ﷺ How will you proteꦍct what is starting to stir in your soil?

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Capricorn season is high time to find your footing, Sagittarius. You often prioritize living in the moment (a beautiful quality) to such a degree that you fail to focus on any possibility that lives in the future. Chill your t–s to ensure that your prodigious energies are moving the proverbial cart rather than spinning the wheel.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Happy return of the sun to you, Capricorn! With Mars, the planet of getting it on and getting it done setting up shop in your sign for most of the month, and transformation-through-trauma Pluto rounding the bases of its two-decade residency in your cardinal company, a lot of power is at play. With a new moon in your sign on January 11 there has never been a better time to unshackle yourself from the past and the belief that you can only get ahead by going it alone. Do not be afraid to accept counsel and support, as the African proverb maintains, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Here’s to a future of further.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Who can you trust to fill your cup, water bearer? Getty Images

The first weeks of this new year are or could be a time of quiet contemplation for you, Aquarius. Your twelfth house of endings and the unconscious mind is activated by the sun and Mars in Capricorn but you would do well to remember that time apart need not be time spent alone. The derives from earlier roots that translate to “secret mysteries,” and/or “for the use of privileged persons.” May I suggest you pick your privileged few and commence to investigate together the kind of mysteries that draw you in and turn you on.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

The sun and Mars in Capricorn shine a light — and light a fire — in your eleventh house of high hopes, extended networks and social structures, Pisces. Cap energy is divisive and industrious — with Mercury going direct on the 1st, the time is nigh for you to cultivate and cull the kind of community that not only supports who you are, but the work you have yet to do. Fast-talking 19th-century preacher Henry Melvill , “We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.” May the fiber of your friendships become the kind of rope you can climb.

Astrologer  researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.