
Taylor Swift can’t be the next John Lennon – she and all New Yorkers must be protected

Taylor Swift’s concert tour earned $1 billion.

She re-recorded her albums to get out of a bad꧂ contract, and they all became best-sellers again.

She was Time magazine’s Person of the Year.

There isn’t much Taylor Swift can’t do — and ♏we hope that includes finally having New York lawmakers see sense.

A stalker has visited Swift🅠’s New York residence a shocking 30 times i🎉n the past two months.

No warning or arrest stops him.

Released from custody Wednesday af✨ter b🦩eing charged with harassment, he went right back.

How many ti🌼mes will it take before the criminal justice system does something?

None of the stalker’s violations is bail-eligible and🍌 judges have been ordered by Albany not to take a criminal’s h🍸istory into account.

But ev♈en if 🔥the offender is not being sent to prison, why isn’t he being sent to a treatment facility?

It’s a failure that shows up again and again anౠd again in our city.

The mentally ill are arrested and neither sent to jail nor medically sಌerved.

Until they, say, st🅺ab a pair of tourists in Grand Central.

Or roam the subways with a machete.

Has this city forgotten the tragedy of Mark David ✅Chapman and John Lennon?

Do we really want something terrible to happen even though authorities were given 30 warnings and still did nothing?

Protect Taylor Swift.

Protect all New Yorkers.