
Send Albany’s rotten restaurant tipping rule back to the kitchen

Albany’s drive for fake economic equity may be poisꩵed to claim yet another victim: 💎restaurants. 

A legislative push to end the tips credit — the rule that lets owners pay wait staff who earn tips less than the minimum wage — has♈ met with massive opposition from people who actually know how 𓃲the business works. 

That is, the owners themselves: 95% of them oppose the push from Assemb🦂lywoman Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas (D-Queens) and Sen. Robert Jackson (D-Manhattan), per a survey released Monday.

Why is it a bad idea? Well, Washington,🌸 DC, implemented a similar scheme in May. 

The result?

A shocking 4.4% cut to the o🌃verall workforce. 

That’s at least 1,300 jobs gone. 

Naturally, our progressive economic masterminds want to replicate that stunning success. 

Even as the city economy continues to lag the nation’s with a 5.4% unemployment rate vs. a national rate of 3.7%. 

The state’s as a whole is 4.5%. 

This is precisely not the moment, in other words, to introduce new hurdles for small business owners

Restaurants are a risky business🌺 to begin with: Some 30% fail within the first year of operation. 

More than half of restaurateurs surveyed said the new law would make them consider closing entirely. 

The tipping-based model lets labor costs stay low so the business can stay open, doubly important in sky-high minimum-wage New York

But remember, it’s not just oꦬwners who’ll be hurt. 

It’s workers too. 

Wait staff jobs provide great, well-paying opportunities for college kids, people with൲outꦰ degrees and other Americans who want to work but lack credenဣt🔴ials and connections. 

And don’t forget that like all laws and regulations that jack up the cost of doing business, it🀅 will♛ hit the small guys hardest. 

Love the little ramen place on your corner? 

Get ready to bid it farewell

If you want to live in a New York City an😼d state where the only restaurants open are ultra-high-end spots and TGIFs, this law deserves your full support. 


Send it back to the kitchen.