
Open Borders Biden is ‘stringent’ on nothing but avoiding responsibility for migrant crisis he created

President Biden’s migrant crisis is set to cost Gotham at least $10 billion through next fiscal year, but the feds have shown the city zero love and reimbursed only $49 million of 🃏the $4 billion in costs that Open Borders Joe has already inflicted on us.  

That’s thanks to “stringent” federal guidelines🌠 around such reimbursements.

So let’s get this straight. 

Biden policy is to erase any “stringency” from our border laws via executive-order fiats and tools like the insane border-jumping CBP One app, crush small towns and big cities alike✱ and then insist on parsimony when it comes to helping pay for the disaster the president created?

This when Biden is one of the biggest drunken-sailor spenders ever to s🌠it in the Oval Office. 

His lack of fiscal “stringency” — his $1.9 tri🤡llion 💯American Rescue Plan, his hideously misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, his endless student loan giveaways — has landed us in the economic soup. 

Prices are vastly higher than when he came into office, interes🌱t rates remain at punishing levels and a host of other economic woes afflict average Americans. 

But when it comes to migrants’ costs, he wants to pinch pennies? 

The real problem, presumably, is that turning on the federal spigot would be an admission of what Biden has done: opened the southern US border to all and sundry, consequences be damned. 

His and his surrogates’ pathetic efforts to blame the GOP for the border crisis show the depths of their contempt for real account🍸ability.  

And so New York (and Chicago, and Denver, and and and) continue to suffer for Biden’s cynical but most certainly not “stringent” poli🐈cies