Miranda Devine

Miranda Devine


Ronna McDaniel’s NBC News firing is must-see-TV that proves leftist media set rules they never follow

The “Mean Girls” pile-on at NBC against Ronna McDaniel is the perfect demonstr🦋ation of what bullies all these leftists are — while pretending to be paragons of compassion and empathy. 

They lecture everyone else about the evil of bullying and impose disastrous “anti-bullying” measures on schools only because they want to reserve this instruꦇment of social control for themselves. 

When they attack a defenseless person in mob fashion, mock them, denigrate them, punch them in the face and then kick them while they’re🔯 down, it’sℱ not bullying.

You must understand that the rules they set for us don⛦’t apply to them, because theyℱ are the Chosen Few, the selfless TV anchors embarked on a crucial mission.

They are always saving “democracy,” defending the underdog, “Speaking Truth to Power” or, in McDaniel’s case, preserving the “Sacred Airwaves” of NBC and its crazy sister in the attic, MSNBC. 

By hiring the former Republican National Committee Chair and Trump protecte🍃e, “Wℱhat we’ve . . . said to election deniers is not just that they can do that on our airwaves, but they can do that as one of us, a badge-carrying employee of NBC News, as paid contributors to our sacred airwaves.”

That’s an actual 🍌quote from MSNBC anchor Nicolle don’t-forget-the-L Wallace.&ꩲnbsp;

Joy Reid was her usual calm, measured self.

H🌳iring McDaniel “is not fairness and balance; that is capitulating to an autocrat in advance by saying, ‘Yes, we will take your apparatchik and allow them to be elevated and platformed with us.’ ” 

Wacky Psaki spin 

Jen Psaki, recently released from her role as professional prevaricator on behalf of the White House (“Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo”) told us earnestly that all she has ever done is “serve the American people,” unlike that liar McDaniel: “This isn’t about red versus blue. This is about truth versus lies. Service to the country versus service to one man committed to toppling our democratic system . . . Our democracy is in danger because of the lies that people 🐷like Ronna McDaniel have push𝐆ed on this country.” 

Then with a straight face she quoted Liz Cheney, Bush II’s WMD-pushing VP Dick Cheney’s daughter, now an MSNBC darling. That figures, considering Wallace of ☂the sacred airwaves was White House commun꧃ications director and apologist for that administration’s Iraq war lies.

You really can’t make it up. 

“Bad decisions will inevitably happen,” Rachel Maddow opined, addressing her bosses at N🔜BC ꦡHQ who reportedly pay her $30 million a year for one show a week.

“Mistakes will be made. But part of our resilience as a democracy is going to be us recognizing𓆏 when decisions are bad ones, and reve🍒rsing those bad decisions. . . . Take a minute. Acknowledge that maybe it wasn’t the right call. It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to acknowledge when you are wrong.” 

They got their wish.

NBC bosses caved in to the bullyi🔯ng of their underlings this week and ousted McDaniel from her $300,000 contributor job after just one interview. 

N🅷othing stirs the passions of the network’s sanctimonious “talent” more than the taste 🉐of fresh blood, and when McDaniel was hired as a talking head by NBC bosses, she was chum in the water of their disregard. 

As usual it’s projection from them.

They have the vapors and take to the fainting couch when Donald Trump bullies someone — but that’s because they r💝♐ecognize a fellow traveler. 

They just hate that someone on the right is as effective as they♍ are at pulling the wings off his enemies before publicly disemboweling them to the roar of a crowd whose bloodlust they have stoked. 

I♍f you ever misspend any time watching MSNBC, y꧃ou will know what I’m talking about. 

Hypocrisy and gaslighting are the least of it.

It’s a colosseuꦗm of hatred, with the valiant anchor-gladiators spewing venomous lies as if they are on Radio Rwanda at the height of the genocide against the Tutsis, only the “cockroaches” this time are “MAGA” Republicans. 

Every day it’s the same drumbeat.

Worse than Hitler.

White supremacists.

Literal Nazis. 

Trump is literally Hitler.

Democracy is literally at stake.

Jan. 6 was litꩵerally worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor com🌠bined.

Joe Biden is literally the messiah.

Hunter Biden literally did nothing wrong.

And so on. 

The NBC brains trust really, really want Republicans on their airwaves to project balance, as long as🌃 they are useful idiots like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who hate Trump as much as they do.

But, honestly, they have to hold their nose ☂around them because they’re “conservatives.”

You have to buy into a✨bortion on demand and DEI, anℱd transgender kids and the rest of the ten woke commandments to be able to share their sacred airwaves. 

Left shields its own 

They’re ♎just so worried about exposing their audience to lies and yet they still cling to the🅷 lies that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation and the Steele Dossier was real.

They are so concerned about𓃲 election denialism that they showcase ele🍬ction deniers Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams any chance they can.

They are so against liars that they canꦅ’t get enough of John Brennan and James Clapper’s venomous takes on Donald Trump, after the pair of them notoriously lied to Congress.

The number of former spooks that infest the sa💧cred airwaves could give Twitter X a run for its money. 

Whatever you think of Ronna McDaniel, and I don’t think much, nobody deserves that kind oꦇf ritual character assassination. 

The White House approves of their bullying, according to an anonymous senior Biden campaign official who told Politico it was “heartening seeing members of the free press drawing a line ⭕and saying we will not normalize someone who actively worked to undermine and deconstruct our democracy.” 

You can only hope that Joe Biden and his team keep bathing in the sacred airwaves, keep injecting daily doses of “Morning Joe” sycophancy into their veins and remain in their bubble with the ꦇhandful of Resistance wine moms still left in the NBC audience.&n𒉰bsp;

It will distract them f♚rom the reality of how America really vie🐭ws the Biden administration. 

As James Carville — about the last Democrat left outside the bubble💦 — tells Trump Derangement sufferer Rob Reiner in a new documentary: “I don’t think people [on the left] really appreciate how bad Joe Biden’s poll numbers are. When you look at them it’s like walking in on your grandmother naked. You can’t unsee them. No matter how hard you try.” 

At🐻 some p🅷oint, self delusion becomes self harm. ;

Congest madness puts us at risk

Don’t say Kathy Hochul and Eric Adams haven’t done anything for this city.

They watched on benignly Wednesday as the Metropolitan Transportation Authority voted to forge ahead with the insane new $15 congestion toll for motorists in Man𒅌hattan who want to drive south of Central Park, thus driving up the cost of everything in this beleaguered city.&n🌳bsp;

The motivation supposedly is toಌ force more people out of the♑ir nice, clean, safe cars and onto the subway.

W🌠hat exquisite timing, just after another victim of a deranged lunatic was pushed to his death in frontꦫ of a train.

Those in charge really do hate us.