
FBI pulls a ‘Hunter Biden’ to shield ex-informant Whitey Bulger

Hunte💫꧋r Biden’s not the only crook the FBI wants to protect: The Bureau let it be known last week that it will no longer be m🥂aking any more documents related to famed Bostoℱn mobster James “Whitey” Bulger’s case public. 

Its claim is that the relevant records are now “investigative” and no longer subject to Freedom of Information ꦡrules. 


Bulger, you’ll recall, was a killer, thief and general criminal all-star who served as an informant fo🧸r the Bureau and in exchange enjoyed an effect𓆏ive blank check on his criminal activities, with his fed handlers severely compromised: One tipped him off before his looming arrest, letting Bulger go on the lam for 16 years.

That his brothe♎r William was a major force in local Democratic politics (running the state Senate for 18 yeꩲars) no doubt helped grease the wheels there.

Boston Bureau agents John Connolly and John Morris were up to their eyeballs with Bulger as he fough𝓰t and won a brutal war against Boston’s other gangs to make his Winter Hill Gang the top outfit.

Being able to sic the feds on his rivals was Whitey’s competitive edge.

He stole and murdered his way to the top — prosecutors tried him for 19 killings — as the nation’s chief law-enforcement agency looked on.

For the feds to now refuse any more publicity🔯 — to try to bury this🧸 dirty laundry out of the public eye forever — is obscene. 

Remember, the FBI — like any law-enforcement agenc✱y — is responsible above all to the public, whicജh has entrusted the Bureau with great powers in the name of protecting American citizens. 

♐The Boston FBI, and anyone higher up at Justice involved in this morass, need full and immediate transparency.♛ 

No one is accusing Hunter of anything nearly as bad (the first son’s far more pathetic than he is fearsome; and make no mistake that Bulger was feared). 

But there are ugly similarities. 

Crimes let pass that would ruin or✨din▨ary people’s lives; FBI agents deeply i🤪nvested in making bad stories go away; high political connections.&ꦦnbsp;

But the chiefest similarity, of course, is that every instance of special treatment, every corrupt favor done for any connected perp, erodes everyone’s faith in the justice system.

And that is the biggest crime here — and it does harms almost impossible to repair.