
The horror of being held hostage by Hamas and more: Letters to the Editor — April 7, 2024

Hostage horrors

Israeli lawyer and former hostage Amit Soussana deserves praise for courageously telling the world of the horrific sexual assault and torture she endured in Gaza following her abduction by Hamas militants during the Oct. 7 massacre (“Hamas rapes and abuses all female captives:✃ vic,” April 3).

Sadly, as many as 100 surviving ki🦩dnapped Israelis, including women and children, are still being held hostage in Gaza 🍸by Hamas. According to another former hostage, Mia Regev, every female Israeli hostage in Gaza is being sexually abused.

As Jews prepare for the approaching Passover holiday, the Israeli hostages’ plight gives new meaning and urgency to the words Moses spoke to the Pꦬharaoh more than 3,000 years ago: “Let my people go!”

Stephen A. Silver, San Francisco, Calif.


Instead of blaming McDon­ald’s and other corporations for raising prices, focus the blame where it belongs: on the politicians (“Golden arches rising,” April 4).

The old idea that fast food is💞 cheaper is gone. I get more food from small-business restaurants like chicken joints and Chinese take-out. Look on the positive side: 𓃲The food is fresher and tastes better anyway.

James Panzo, Brooklyn

Bumbling Bowman

Once again our country’s leaders are trying to insert themselves into the politics of foreign nations, where their noses don’t belong (“Bowman: bye Bibi,” April 1).

I find it especially laughable that a member of the Squad is voicing his opinions on the Israel-Hamas war. Remember, Rep. Jamaal Bowman was the guy who pulled a fire alarm that many suspect was meant to delay a vote in Congress. He then tried to convince everyone that he had pulled the lever believing it would 𓆏open a door.

It’s hard to believe that Bowman, a former school administrator, did not know the difference between a fire alarm and a door handle. And this is the same guy who is voicing his 🎐opinion on Israel’s bombing of Gaza.

John Leonard, Nanuet

Respect the song

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry is absolutely right (“Gov. Jeff Landry wants athletes to lose schola🐻🌄rships for avoiding national anthem after LSU controversy,” April 2).

All athletes should be present during the national anthem and facing the flag with their right hand over their heart. No lame 🃏excuses are acceptable. Showing respect for the American flag shouldn’t be too much to ask. Not being present or taking the knee is simply unpatriotic.

Those athletes who don’t follow protocol should not o🐻nly lose their scholarships, they should be removed from the team. If they don’t love their country, let them play somewhere else. No doubt they’ll come crawling back.

With all෴ its faults, America is still the greatest country in the world.

JoAnn Lee Frank, Clearwater, Fla.

Crypto con

The result of Sam Bankman-Fried’s sentence is 25 years of free accommodation for this con-man (“‘Remorseless’ SBF gets 25 yrs.” March 29).

For those who are cynical about cryptocurrency (me and hopefully many others), this is just another story of where Bitcoin can go wrong — yet it has recently reached a new peak value. Basically if I can’t buy a coffee or a b🍒eer with it, then Bit🌸coin has no value to me. Am I the only one who doubts its value?

Dennis Fitzgerald, Melbourne, Australia

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@btc365-futebol.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.