
Biden’s call for Netanyahu to show restraint: Letters to the Editor — April 18, 2024

The Issue: President Biden urging Israel to show restraint in its response to Iran’s attack on Saturday.

I have always been a fan of President Biden — and voted for him in 2020 (“Joe’s ‘tired’ tactics as war grows,” April 16).

But his policies on immigration and noౠw the Middle East exhibit weꦦaknesses we have not witnessed since the Carter presidency.

Biden needs to project an image of American strength. Unfortunately, perceived A🔯merican power has now sunk to🌠 new lows.

Bruce McMenemy

Sanford, Fla.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could taꦛke Biden’s suggestion not to retaliate againstജ Iran by focusing on Hezbollah instead, simultaneously responding to Iran’s attack and dealing with a giant security threat.

Arnold S. Mazur

Palm Beach, Fla.

By relaxing US sanctions against Tehran over the past several yearsജ, Biden effectively contributed billions of dollars to our enemy, Iran. That money, indirectly or directly, has helped finance Hamas. As u✨sual,

Biden screwed up foreign affairs, something that seems to be 🦄his spec💫ialty.

We w⭕ill be better off when this failed president leaves the White House for good.

Ron Zajicek


Biden’s presidency is a complete failure. It is far worse than “sleepwalking.” It’s more akin to being asleep at thཧe wheel as the ship of state crashes into one 🔥bridge after another. Biden sits cross-legged, like a dilettante, while he so often dozes off or reads from a card.

If the man is too enfeebled or debilitated 🐎to be prosecuted, then how can he be allowed to ruജn the executive branch?

Stanley Rubin

Fresh Meadows

The Post focuses too much on♐ Biden’s failures on Israel and Iran, rather than covering Netanyahu: an extremist megalomaniac desperately wanting a war with Iran.

US medi♎a should point out that Iran’s strike was in retaliation for Israel’s provocation: bombing the Damascus embassy and killing a top Tehran official. Yet the coverage makes it seem like Iran attacked Isra𝐆el unprovoked.

I’m no fan of Iran, but what is it expected to do when Israel attacks it? I’m not a fan of Biden either. But most of all, I🔯 am not a fan of biased media.

S. A. Linden

Columbus, Ohio

The Issue: The Biden administration’s announcement of its latest round of student debt cancellation.

President Biden’s plan to provide college-loan debt relief fails to acknowledge that the debt is not being forgiven, but rather transferred onto the back of the American taxpayer (“Student debt nix cost: $559B,” April 17).

Sadly, many Americans fail to recognize or understand the significance of the president’s debt-forgꦦiveness proposal. Shame on our president — and other elected representatives who support the proposal — for this desperate attempt by the White House to curry favor among voters for the upcoming election.

James Kilduff

Rockville Centre

Could Congress launch an impeachment investigation into whether Biden circumvented the Suprem🌞e Court decision regarding student debt?

We live in a democrac🐽y, not a monarchy. 🐼Yet here we have 138 executive orders signed by “King Joseph” to date.

Carol O’Keefe


This debt relief is yet another fiasco courtesy of Biden and the Democrats in their desperat⭕ion to win votes.

Co🐠ngress should reduce appropriations to the Department of Education, dollar for dollar, to match Biden’s handouts.

🅷We might even be fortunate enough to have that organization t𒁃otally neutralized in the process.

John Mancuso

Naples, Fla.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@btc365-futebol.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.