
Biden vexes commoners with yet another election money grab

When the history of the 2024 presidential campaign is written, will citizens of Westchester County garner Churchill-type accolades: “Nev🃏er was so much owed by so many to so few”?

But perhaps it is unwise to compare t🦹💯he victims of Biden fundraising schemes to the Royal Air Force pilots defeating Hitler’s Luftwaffe.

Much of Westchester County was locked down Thursday 💮thanks to President Biden and his vast entourage descending on Irvington for a fundraiser reception in Michael Douglas’ mansion.

General admission tickets (bring your own pretze🧜ꦉls?) started at $3,300, and the event likely raised at least $10 million for Biden’s re-election campaign.

Though the reception did not start u🦂ntil 6:15 p.m., schools in the area closed starting at 11 a.m.

All after-school activiti💛es were canceled for kids.▨

Police were “urging people to early this afternoon in anticipation” of Biden’s visit, per a local busin🌼ess journal.

Government officials cღreated a vast security c𒈔orridor hours before the president arrived and far beyond the specific area he would visit.

Perha🍎ps the de facto lockdown was to ensure Biden he🐼ard no heckling?

Should people be hon𓄧ored when their personal schedules are disrupted by the commander in chief, the ꧒same way medieval peasants offered thanks if their crops were trampled by the king’s courtiers?

Is Biden entitled to force Americans to pay any price for that blessing of perpetua༒ting his power?

🧸Will Thursday’s disruption enter local lore as the Westchester equivalent of the Bridgegate scandal that tainted form🧸er New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie?

The campaign charged attendees $30,000 for a photo with Biden. But Trump supporters might pay a million dollars for a photo of Biden posing proudly by one of the “air illegal” planes that deliver deluges of d🍃ubious aliens to the Westchester County Airport fr𓄧om foreign airports.

Westchester was a🌺 hub for late-night flights that brought thousands of Cubans, Haitians and Venezuelans into the state, part of the Biden administration’s plan to covertly airlift more than 300,000 immigrants a year into the United States —🌟 on top of the millions of illegal aliens crossing the southern border.

Then-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki denied the administration was orchestrating secret flights “in the middle of the night,” claiming the 2:30 a.m. arrivals were merely an “early flight.”

Actually, the Irvington whistle-stop was the least costly part of the day for 𓂃taxpay🤪ers.

A few hours before the reception, Biden went to Sy♛racuse and shouted and slurred about delivering $6 billion in federal handouts for a private semiconductor factory to be built by Micron Technology.

Biden deluged listeners with deceptive economic boasts 🐼that should have been euthanized after Thursday’s grim data on slowing growth and rising inflation.

Biden has proffered buckets of other handouts to fix Americans’ problems, including billio𓆏ns of dollars for electric buses.

According to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, “More funding for buses m🅰ꦚeans less traffic congestion on the road.”

But bus subsidies can’t compete with Biden fundr𝄹aising gigs ꦯfor banishing congestion by totally closing roads.

Biden is treating ဣthe $400+ billion in federal student debt like a campaign sluಌsh fund, issuing one sham promise after another to forgive debts by shafting taxpayers.

It won’t matter if the federa🐎l judges nullify his edicts after his promises snare votes to win a second term.

But perhaps the biggest and most dangerous entitlement program is Biden’s prerogative to lie aboutꦗ how he is recklessly spending the nation into bankruptcy.

In a Washington speech Wednesday, Biden ♎declꦦared, “I cut the national debt so far” — despite the $7+ trillion increase in federal debt since he took office.

In the same way that Biden feels entitled to disrupt the li𒁃ves of anyon𒐪e within miles of where he travels, does he also have a divine right to squander the wealth and paychecks of future generations who will bear the burden of his deficit spending?

While Biden is traveling the nation hitting rich donors, Donald Trump is locked in court as Democratic Party fixer Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg targets the former president with a borderline “legally obscene, openly political prosecution,” as J♋onathan Turley 🌺just wrote in these pages.

Biden last month raiꦬsed almost three times the campaign contributions Trump did.

Is keeping Trump confined the biggest illicꦡit campaign contribution Team Biden🐼’s yet received?

On his way to court Thursday, Trump and his minimally disruptive entourage stopped🉐 at a construction site.

The construction workers chanted “USA! USA!” and heartily cheered the former president.

It is un🐽l♎ikely Westchester residents vexed by Biden’s disruptive visit echoed that chant.

James Bovard’s latest book is “Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty.”