
Biden’s plan to bring in Gazan refugees is national security insanity

Just when you thought President Biden couldn’t possibly care less about US national security, the White House is reportedly considering opening the United St෴ates to 💛refugees from Gaza.

One plan would use the US Refugee Admissions Program (which Biden raised the cap on in 2021, caving to pressure♚ from leftis🎐ts) to grant refugee status to those who’ve fled into Egypt from the Gaza Strip — which would mean taxpayer-funded benefits and the potential to gain US citizenship.

Gaza🃏ns who have relatives in the United Sꦫtates could also be let in.

How nuts is this? Let’s count the ways.

First off, these would be people fleeing a war that will soon end: Israel’s active operations will wind down once the IDF goes into Rafah and eliminates the remaining Hamas cadre there; then it’s rebuilding time.

Refugees almost always want to go home when they can; enticing them to start putting down roots nearly 6,000 miles is the worst kind of “help.”

The logical places to host them for now are nearby countries: Egypt (espec🤪ially those already there!), Jordan, maybe Saudi Arabia or Qatar.

It’s time for some genuine “Arab brotherhood,” after none of the four major Mideast powers was willing to take in a single legal refugee from the long and brutal Syrian civil war.

Our president brags of hisಞ deal-making ability: Rather than look at America or even Europe for temporary refugee hosting, he should focus on getting Middle East nations to shoulder their share of the burden.

Second: Even if these refugees are thoroughly and properly screened (and the Biden administration’s prolific record of letting in terrorists gives plenty of reason to believe they won’t be), an unavoidable truth remains: With antisemitism soaring, Biden is looking to import migrants from a populace that’s been indoctrinated with Jew-hatred since childhood.

We don’t need to import more hate.

Plus, of course, these newcomers would ཧfollow the millions of illegal migrants the prez has already waved in, producing a crisis that is killing him in the polls.

Biden’s only apparent rationale is to snarf up lefty votes — to convince the anti-Israel wing of his party that “he cares,” or at least address the fury of progressives like Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who have been wailing (against all evidence) that Biden has gone too easy on Israel.

The idea falls smack-dab in the center of a Venn diagram of his 👍worst habits: unlawful manipulation (or complete disregard) of US immigration law without input from Congress; appeasement of the far left regardless of how ridiculous its demands are; serving his own political needs with no thought to how it impacts average Americans.

This trial balloon needs puncturing, fast.

If Biden instead goes ahead with it, he’ll just be offering fresh proof that this White House literally can’t say no to the most extreme flank of his party.