World News

Man who spent $14K on hyper-realistic collie costume so he could live as a dog makes major life announcement

A Japanese man who shelled out over $14,000 on a realistic dog costume so he could become a border collie now says he hopes to fulfill his “dream” of turning into a different animal.

Toco the Human Collie said the challenges of moving like a dog have led him to consider🐭 imitating a host of other animals, as ♉well.

“Dogs and humans have different bone structures and the way they bend their legs and arms, so it’s very difficult to make movements that look like this,” Toco said.

“I might realistically be able to become another dog, a panda or a bear,” Toco told Japanese news outlet WanQol. “A fox or a cat would also be nice, but they are too small for humans to try.”

Toco as a collie dog
Toco the human collie says he hopes to one day become a different animal. ©DMBZ for NY Post

He added: “I’d like to fulfill my dream of becoming another animal someday.”

It’s not clear whether he has an immediate plans to branch out into other parts of the animal kingdom.

Toco, who shares his life and experience living as a dog on his YouTube channel titled “I want to be an animal” has received intense backlash and mockery over his lifestyle.

Toco as a collie, holding the New York Post in his mouth.
Toco says he would like to become another dog, a panda or a bear someday. ©DMBZ for NY Post

Toco expressed how hard it is to walk on all fours in an exclusive interview with The Post in September.

“Rather than being꧙ tough or physically uncomfortable, the feelings of excitement and fun I receive from t🍒his experience are stronger,” he said at the time.

However, Toco’s desire to be a dog is no act.

He has said he dreamed of living as an animal long before he ordered his collie costꦡume. 

“I’ve wanted to be an animal ever since I can remember,” he said.