
Candace Owens blasts Daily Wire, says it’s leaking antisemitism claims: Attacked for ‘being a Christian’

Candace Owens eviscerated her former employer Daily Wire on Wednesday after she claimed she was asked to comment on an upcoming newspaper story alleging that she eng🌄aged in antisemitic and homophobic behavior at the company.

Owens, the former blogger who rose to prominence during the Trump presidency with her campaign to persuade African Ameriꦚcan voters to ditch the Democratic Party, posted a video on her social medi🀅a account hinting that Daily Wire leaked allegations that she mistreated staffers at her former employer.

In her viral video which was viewed more than 1.3 million times as of Thursday afternoon, Owens ad🅠amantly denied one claim that she threw a canned drink at a junior staffer.

The controversial media personality, 🍸who was reportedly hit with a gag order by Daily Wire preventing her from disparaging the company, posted the video on her X social media account on Wednesday, telling her more than 5 million followers that she was asked to comment by a 𝓰Daily Mail reporter who reached out to her public relations rep.

Owens gave a statement to The Post which read: “I have been overwhelmed by the number of mes🌠sages and emails I have received from Daily Wire employees, past and present, with offers to speak o🌟n record with journalists.”

She said it was “incredibly brave” of former colleagues to step forward and that it “should serve as a reminder that loyalty is not something that can be fortified via intimidation and contracts.”

“The tactic of using unnamed sources to spread lies about people is tired, and I have faith that in the future exactly who is behind these lies will be exposed,” Owens said, vowing: “Stay tuned. This is only the beginning.”

The Post has souꦯght comment from Daily Mail and Daily Wire.

According to Owens, the Daily Mail journalist sought comment on an upcoming “hit piece” that will reportedly allege that Daily Wire decided to move on from the incendiary host because her show wasn’t generating enough revenue.

Owens and Daily Wire parted ways earlier this year after she made critical statements about Israel. Getty Images

Owens said that her character is being “attacked” and “smeared” by “an entire network working behind the scenes” for speaking her “truth” that “Christ is King.”

She said that certain individuals are leaking “fictitious” and “made up” claims to Daily Mail, including that she “blamed producers for her show’s failures.”

Owens also claimed that the Daily Mail story will allege that “she refused to work with certain advertisers” and that “senior management [at Daily Wire] had a moral obligation to terminate” her due to her “increased antisemitism and her conspiracy theories.”

Candace Owens posted a video on social media on Wednesday blasting the Daily Wire. X/RealCandaceO
Owens slammed her former employer. X/RealCandaceO

She said the Daily Mail story will allege that she “mistreated” make up artists and interns at Daily Wire.

Owens said that a “source” told Daily Mail that they witnessed Owens hurling a canned drink at one of the junior staffers.

“The attacks on me over me not backing down on being a Christian are failing,” Owens said, insisting that she is “the exact opposite” of what the claims suggest.

Owens’ acrimonious split from Daily Wire followed months of ten🌠sion between her and co-founder Ben Shapiro.

Shapiro was highly critical of Owens for her comments in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel and Israel’s subsequent military response in Gaza.

Owens publicly clashed with Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro before her dismissal earlier this year. Getty Images

Owens raised eyebrows when she denounced “genocide” in the weeks following the Oct. 7 massacres — though she later stated she wasn’t referring to Israel.

In March, the Anti-Defamation League accused Owens of spouting “vitriolic antisemitism.” Owens denied the claim, saying that she was being singled out because she “do[es] not believe that American taxpayers should have to pay for Israel’s wars or the wars of any other country.”

After her departure from Daily Wire, Owens and Shapiro publicly discussed holding a debate, but the🅺 two could never aꩲgree on a proper time and venue.

Owens said on Wednesday that she believed Daily Wire was behind leaks to a news outlet that was planning to publish a “hit piece.” Getty Images

As the two publicly negotiated the te😼rms of a debate, Daily Wire attorneys reportedly obtained a gag ♏order preventing Owens from publicly criticizing the company.