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Jennifer Dulos’ kids give heartbreaking impact statements before dad’s girlfriend learns fate: ‘My mother was everything to me’

The woman at the center of the Jennifer Dulos murder case was slapped with a 20-year prison sentence Friday — and blasted as “evil” by the slain mother’s five heartbroken kids as they begged her to disclose the location of Dulos’ remains.

Michelle Troconis — who was convicted in March of helping her boyfriend Fotis Dulos, Jennifer Dulos’s estranged husband, plan and cover up the shock murder– sobbed as the brave kids called her a
“coward” and asked that she be sentenced to the full 50 years she faced.

“I will never forgive you for what you have done,” Theodore Dulos, who was just 13 when his mother disa🙈ppeared in 20🎐19, told his father’s girlfriend in Stamford court.

“You will be considered evil, violent and certainly a coward. 📖An appropriate sentence wo🐼uld be 50 years. Ten years for each child who lost their mother.”

He went on ꦛto urge a crying Troconis to reveal to investigators the location of his mother’s remains, which still haven’t been found five years on.

“If you had just the least bit of humanity, I suggest you let all of us know what ha❀ppened that day and where my🐷 mother is,” the teen said.  

Judge Kevin A. Randolph said during the lengthy hearing that “there is no single appropriate sentence” and that “the court does not take sides.”

The kids of Jennifer Dulos broke down Friday as they spoke out for the first time about losing their mom as their father’s girlfriend faced sentencing. Richard Harbus

“The jury can draw a logical inference that the defendant knew where (Dulos) was and what (Dulos) was doing,” Randolph said. “This is a flurry of irregular activity all on the same day.

“Michelle Troconis’ life is in her own hands,” he added.

Troconis will be required to serve 14 and 1/2 years of he🍎r sentence in prison, along with five years of probation. Her own family, including her daughter, sisters and mother, began to cry and were rushed out of the courtroom into a nearby conference room after she learned her fate.

The emotional sentencing capped the sensational case, in which Fotis was accused of murdering the beautiful mom of five as they duked it out over who would get custody of the kids in their bitter divorce. Fotis, a luxury-home builder who was charged with Jennifer’s kidnapping and murder, died in 2020 after he attempted to commit suicide while out on $6 million bail.

Police said he waited for his wife, 50, to return home after dropping off their kids at school and attacked her in the garage — before cleaning up the scene and driving off with her body on May 24, 2019. Her body was never found.

Prosecutors said Troconis, Fotis’ live-in girlfriend, knew about his plans to kill his wife and then helped him cover up the grisly crime.

On Friday, Dulos’ five children, now aged 13 to 18, took turns speaking for the first time ahead of Troconis’ sentencing.

Michelle Troconis speaks with her attorney, Jon Schoenhornher, during her sentence. Hearst Connecticut Media
Jennifer Dulos’ sister, Melissa Farber, reads a victimâs impact statement. Hearst Connecticut Media
Jennifer Dulos’ mother, Gloria Farber, reads a victimâs impact statement. Hearst Connecticut Media
Michelle Troconis listens as members of the Dulos Farber family read victim impact statements. Hearst Connecticut Media

“I’ve been left with a hole inside of me I will never be able to fill,” said Dulos’ eldest son, Petros Dulos, and twin brother of Theodore, now both 18.

“My mother was everything to me.”

Petros added that Troconis’ actions have had “irreparable effects” on his life.

“The de🃏fendant’s actions mean I’ll never be able to tell my mom how sorry I am for▨ not being a better son. I’ll never be able to tell mom how proud of her I am. Most importantly, how much I love her. This haunts me every day,” he said.

Jennifer Dulos pictured with her five children.

Two of his other siblings sobbed as they, too, blamed ಌTroconis for ruining their childhoods.

“I’ll never be the same person. All is lost because of Michelle,” Constantine 😼Dulos said.

“Michelle is the reason why I am completely lost in the world. Sheꦬ’s the reason why I have blocked out my childhood,” his sister, Christiane, added.🧜  

Prosecutors say Dulos’ estranged husband, Fotis Dulos, killed her at her home in New Canaan and drove off with her body. AP

“She’s the reason that kids in school look at me. The reason why my teachers say guardians are not parents. She’s the꧋ reason I have to sit on the bathroom floor with my little sister and try my best to comfort her.” 

Troconis was convicted by a jury of conspiracy to commit murder, hindering prosecution and evidence tampering 🍰in Jennifer Dulos’ death.

Another one of Jennifer Dulos’s daughters, Noelle, also begged Troconis to give up the location of her mother’s remains.

“Finding closure is impossible since Michelle has yet to tell us where our mother is,” she said.

Family friends of Jennifer Dulos were visibly disappointed with Troconis’ sentencing, telling The Post they thought it was “a “slap in the face.”

Michelle Troconis was convicted by a jury in March of conspiracy to commit murder, hindering prosecution and evidence tampering. AP

Dulos’ family did not speak after the sentencing, leaving the courthouse with two “bodyguards” who did not let reporters approach them.

Elsewhere during the hearing, the Dulos children detailed how their father catapulted Troconis into their lives after he started cheating on their mother — forcing them to trust her and lie about her presence amid their parents’ messy divorce.

“I remember talking to my dad on one of our visits. I asked him something like, ‘Why did you cheat on mom?’ He answered, ‘When you really love somebody. Sometimes you can’t wait,’” Dul❀os’ daughter, Christiane, said.   

Jennifer Dulos’ body has never been found and a probate judge declared her legally dead last year. AP

“It occurred to me then that the person my dad loved was no longer my mom. It was Michelle. Michelle who was moving into our house, sleeping on my mom’s🤪 side😼 of the bed.”

“Michelle’s presence in our lives was overwhelming and invasive,” she continued. “I lied fꩲor her. I was told to trust her. I switched bedrooms so she and her daughter could✱ move in.” 

Her sister, Constantine, doub𒀰led down, telling the hearing that Troconis was “the last thing my family needed.”

“She pu𓆉t pressure on my dad to get the divorce. She conspired to murder. She tampered with physical evidence. She showed no remorse. Sh🐻e has not cooperated,” the teen said.  

Troconis has maintained she is innocent of the charges and intends to appeal “in the next couple of weeks,” her lawyer said Friday evening, citing an “insufficiency of evidence.”

“I’ll just start by saying something that I’ve been biting my tongue and not saying up until now, I don’t think there was anything fair about this entire process. I don’t think this case should have been heard here in Stamford from the get-go,” Jon Schoenhorn lamented.

“There are many issues that I believe were decided in error, but that’s not for me to decide. That’s going to be either for the Connecticut appellate court, or the Connecticut Supreme Court.”

Troconis’ sister, Claudia, agreed that there were “indeed various legal flaws” and “insufficient evidence to convict Michelle.”

“The only thing we know for sure is that Fortis Dulos killed Jennifer, and Michelle Troconis had absolutely nothing to do with it before, during or after Fortis murdered Jennifer,” she said.

“Michelle would never be capable of harming anyone … Both women were misled by Fortis Dulos, who deceived them for his own gain. We will continue to seek justice, and we’re committed to fighting for her rights. The children and families deserve to know the truth.

Fotis Dulos killed himself in 2020 shortly after being charged with murder. Jennifer’s body has never been found, and she was legally declared dead last year.