
Israel’s military operation in Nuseirat: Letters to the Editor — June 12, 2024

The Issue: The Israeli military’s rescue operation in Gaza to free four hostages taken by Hamas.

I am glad to see that the four hostages were freed (“Celebrate!” Rich Lowry, June 11).

It was rather pathetic of some members of the media, however, to report them as being “released” even tho🐲ugh the IDF actually saved the hostages. This includes Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora, who was killed while leading the force that rescued🧜 the hostages during the raid.

There is no need to give credit to Hamas, as it never simply ♑🦄releases any hostages.

Hans Sander

Gordon, Australia

US media, sw🎶amped in Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s delirious Israel-above-all propaganda, could not muster up the courage to object to the cost Israel exacted for the return of four Israeli hostages. As many as 274 Palestinian civilians, including women and children, were killed.

Are not all Gazans hostages of a medieval siege and Netanyahu’s war policy of bringing down buildings on top of civilians just to kill a few Hamas soldiers inside? Netanyahu argues America did worse during the civilian bombings of Dresden. So we are fine with dropping the Isඣraeli bar down to the lowest level of America’s 20th-century decision-making?

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah

Some want to argue that the killing of Gaz༒an civilians during the Israeli rescue of its hostages should be considered a war crime by Israel. So, if you try to rescue these hostages and civilians are killed, that is 🉐a war crime, but not Hamas’ horrific actions on Oct. 7?

Mindy Rader

New City

If I was fighting for a cause and my side took hostages, I hope to God I would have the sense to keep the hostages away from my family. Should I put my family and other innocent civilians in less𓃲 or more danger?

Gregory Goltsov

Washington, NH

We should refer to the rescue operation for what it really was: a massacre. The BBC reported from the G♛aza health ministry that 274 Palestinians were slaughtered to free four hostages. There’s evidence of the IDF striking crowded streets and slaugh🌌tering scores of Palestinians, all to satisfy a disturbing Israeli bloodlust on America’s dime.

Leon Baader


The Issue: The MTA’s desire to implement congestion pricing despite Gov. Hochul’s seeming slapdown.

The MTA still wants to go ahead with congestion pricing (“MTA not giving up on congest,” June 11).

But until it solves fare evasion, which costs the agency millions, it should not get more money. New Yorkཧ’s government should clean up its act and stop put🃏ting all the financial strain on its drivers.

Maybe it should make subway riders🦩 actually pay for the services they use.

Samuel Mark

West Hempstead

Whiꩵle Gov. Hochul said she won’t be implementing the congestion-pricing program in New York on June 30, she did not go as far to say the plan was completely scrapped — by her or the MTA.

After all, millions have already been🌌 spent on installing toll cameras in Manhattan. So watch, but don’t hold your breath.

Joe Torrillo

Manalapan, NJ

♌Gov. Hochul’s last-minute flip-flop fiasco ꧑once again highlights the core problem in New York state: the complete and utter lack of competent leadership throughout government.

However, this is what New York’s voters wan🐷t. They keep re-electing the same people from the same political party and have horribly transmogrified their state into a failed entity. It’s all about choices — and choices have consequences.

John Mancuso

Naples, Fla.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@btc365-futebol.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.