
Donald Trump’s top veep picks: Letters to the Editor — June 20, 2024

The Issue: Reports on the possible finalists for former President Donald Trump’s running mate.

While The Post’s Editorial Board seems to have narrowed former President Donald Trump’s field, the Donald always has a few surprises up his sleeve (“Veepstakes: Our Two Cents,” June 18).

Gov. Doug Burgum and Sen. Mar🦂co Rubio seem like solid choices, while Sen. J.D. Vance is a bit too inexperienced.

It’s important to note that, just as in his busines﷽s ventures, Trump has always valued smart, strong, intelligent women of character. Picking one as a vice president would only add strength to his ticket. He has also kept his thoughts on a choice close to the vest, letting people wildly speculate.

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard would be a great choice for the Trump ticket. She is accomplished, projects strength and has experience in politics and the ✨military.

Her role as an independent who has seen the demise of the Democratic Party could lure voters who feel ไthe same way.

Betsy Flor

Putnam Valley

I agree about 🤡Burgum being a great contender to be Trump’s running ✱mate.

The best way to preserve stability in the United Statesಌ is to restore the standard of electing people with proven track records in leadership. In that vein, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo should be a to🔯p contender.

Especially with his proven record of statesmanship and demeanor, he would be sure to lead us through the current dangerous world evenꦗts.

Karl Miller

White Plains

I voted twice for Trump but would not do so a third time if Vance were his running mate. Vance does not have the gravitas or political experience needed for the job of vice presi💛dent.

Marco Rubio would be my first choice due to his m✨any years in public service. Burgum seems to be a fine choice, but I think a younger VP is best for a win🅺ning ticket considering Trump’s age, as well as the age of the incumbent.

Susan Green


I agree🦩 that Burgum and Rubio would be reasonable choices, but I’ll go out on a limb and say: Nikki Haley w📖ould make a great veep candidate.

She ran strong in the primaries even after she pulled out of the race and would bring a large number of voters who might otherwise sit out the election. She has a strong resume and is a powerful campaigner.
Rubio, meanwhile, is well-positioned to take the mantle of Senate GꦛOP leadership from Sen. Mitch McConnell.

Rick Meyer

Pinehurst, NC

Burgum’s fine, but I actually prefer Sen. Tom Cotton. He’s been on the national stage longer, has significant military experience and is already hate🐭d by the lefﷺt because he doesn’t kowtow to their idiotic politically correct nonsense.

And he’s young, scandal-free, and while he may not bring a ton of electoral votes with him, I believe he’s well-respected in the South and could h𒁏elp win Georgia.

Cotton might come across as a little too militantly “anti-politically𝓰 correct,” but that is desperately needed these days.

John Kane

Las Vegas, Nev.

Two very successful cons𓂃ervative governors have emerged as Trum⛦p’s veep pick: namely Doug Bergum, an energy expert, and Glenn Youngkin, champion of “parents’ rights.”

Governors do𓆉 make the best candidates, as they simply know how to gove🧸rn, versus a senator who might not.

Only two ex-senators have been el▨ected president since Richard Nixon: Barack Obama and Joe Biden — and where did that get us?

J.R. Cummings


Doug Burgum is a successful businessman man with a great deal of experience. It’s important to have a VP capable of takin𓂃g over, if necessary.

Patricia Fletcher

Massappequa Park

When I first saw Vivek Ramaswamy at the Republican debates, I thought he had drop꧅ped out of Heaven. Vivek had the courage to stand up to other candidates on the national stage.

I believe that Trump could assign any task to Vivek, and it would get done. Also, he’s 🍒only 38: mature beyond his years.

Anna Szabo

Union, NJ

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