
Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo has no shame and more: Letters to the Editor — June 23, 2024

Shameless Cuomo

Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo apparently has no shame or moral character (“Cuomo’s COVID ills,” June 15).

Instead of being grateful for not being held criminally accountable for the death of thousands during COVID (which he continues to deny and downplay) and ruining this state durꦿing his tenure, he thinks he can work his way back politically.

It sickens me that he continues to contribute his two cents on how to run New York.🍌

He’s done enough.

Most of what he complainsꦺ about, he put in place.

He needs to sit down and shut up ꦆand count his lucky stars he’s not in jail.

He’s done en💞ough to his constituents and t🎶he state.

Perhaps he should get a real job and stop try𝓰ing to weasel 🌃his way back into office.

He is truly a disappointment.

Laura Cutrone, North Bellmore

Juneteenth pride

The Editorial Board wrote a superb editorial (“The Meaning of Juneteenth,” June 19).

I have been reading The Posไt and its editorial📖s for many years, and this one is especially timely and cogent.

As you pointed out in quoting Frederick Douglass’ salient🌸 words, our country “has to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and future.”

His following wඣords, also included, were just as significant.

“To allܫ inspiring motives, to noble deeds which can be gained from the past, we are welcome. But🃏 now is the time, the important time.”

Now is the time.

Let us embrace these words, this important day and ✅cause, and not be satisfied until we fully achieve the “full blessings of liberty for all Americans.”

While we must endeavor to put the past stain of our history behind us for good, we must also not allow those to prevail who woul🍸d further divide us.

Tim Norbeck, Bonita Springs, Fla.

Phony cheap fakes

Watching the lengths the media elites go to protect President Biden almost defies belief (“ ‘Cheap Fake’ Gaslighting,” Editorial, June 19).

Telling the average American that videos of Biden unable to function in a coherent manner in a variety of settings are “cheap fakes” put forth by the right wing is absurd, ꩲbut hardly surprising.

The elites in this country live in a narcissistic bubble removed from everyday Ameri🦋cans.

It is disheartening that they look down on thei♏r fellow countrymen with such condescension.

Robert DiNardo, Farmingdale

Knicks decision

OG Anunoby and Isaiah Hartenstein have a choice (“The teams that could give the Knicks the bigﷺgestꦕ headaches in free agency,” June 20).

Take the money the Knicks are offering and allow the team to sign another player so it can beat the Celtics and Nuggets, or take more money and🍒 prevent the Knicks from winning the championship.

Remember when the Miam🍸i Heat’s players took less money🌞 to win the title?

Edward Drossman, Manhattan

Biden’s smear ads

I am appalled by the Biden campaign’s attempt to smear former President Donald Trump with his criminal conviction (“Biden campaign launches $50M a🍒d blitz targeting ‘convicted criminal’ Trump,” June 17).

This effort is designed to distract from President Biden’s own failures and weaknes🐠s🦩es.

Trump’s conviction is a travesty.

Biden is capitalizing on it, and showing the American people how low he will stoop to mai💯ntain power.

Ronald Beaty, West Barnstable, Mass.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@btc365-futebol.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.