
Mom involved in Cleveland Guardians stadium fight claims she was defending stepdaughter from ‘drunk, belligerent’ couple

EXCLUSIVE: After OutKick published a story about a brawl in the stands during the Cleveland Guardians game Friday night against the Toronto Blue Jays, o🎶ne of the women involved in the video re🦹ached out to tell her side of the footage. 

Brandi Pierce emailed OutKick on Sunday afternoon and wanted to make one thing perfectly clear: her family did not start the fight that took place in the stands Friday night. 𝓰;

“The only reason the fight started was because the couple behind us were drunk and belligerent,” Pierce wrote.

She also sent a video for context that showed a blonde woman with a large tattoo on her left arm yelling obscenities while seemingly slurring her words. In the video, Pierce’s stepdaughter can be heard telling the woman to “leave” before adding “we didn’t do nothing… to you.”  

According to Pierce, her family left to get food after people behind them wouldn’t stop screaming. She said they were gone for about 30 minutes before returning. 

A brawl broke out in the stands during the Cleveland Guardians game Friday night against the Toronto Blue Jays.

“As we [returned to our seats] a police officer came down and told them to calm down, or they would be removed,” Pierce wrote in the email. “Soon after that, the blonde started accusing my stepdaughter of being the one who told the cop on them.” 

At that po♏int, Pierce says she felt compelled to stick up 🎉for her stepdaughter. 

“It escalated quickly enough when she jumped at my stepdaughter (who wouldn’t hurt a fly) and threatened her while pulling the back of my shirt,” Pierce continued. “So, I slammed a bowl of chicken nachos in her face and the fists flew from there.” 

Pierce also sent OutKick a second video of the fight. Pierce can be seen throwing haymakers at both the woman and a man while others, including Pierce’s husband, try to separate everyone. Pierce, the woman wearing a red shirt, can also be heard saying “She hit my husband!”

Pierce can be seen throwing haymakers at both the woman and a man.

The🍎 videos were taken by another fan in the section, not associated with either party involved in the fight. Howe🤪ver, the fan shared the videos with Pierce after the blonde woman and her partner were escorted out of the game by security. 

The fan also said in a message to Pierce, “We all know what transpired [and] that blonde deserved every bit of it.” 

Pierce added that she and her family were not 🅺drinking at the time of the incident. In the second video, her stepdaughter is seen holding a bottle of water. 

She also said she apologized to the surrounding fans whose experience was d🍬isrupted by the fight. 

“My husband, nor I, had any drinks but the couple behind us [showed up to the game] drunk,” she said. “I tried to apologize to all the surrounding fans; most accepted and were pleased they were being removed.” 

Pierce added that she and her family were not drinking at the time of the incident.

She added that they were not looking for a fight when they headed to the ballpark for a 🦋Friday night out in downtown Cleveland. 

“We didn’t want to fight. But my stepdaughter didn’t deserve a 40-year-old woman getting in her face after asking her to please calm down, so the rest of the fans could watch the game,” she said. 

“As I left, I got a standing ovation for getting the blonde and her boyfriend removed.” 

She added that they were not looking for a fight when they headed to the ballpark for a Friday night out in downtown Cleveland. 

Pierce said she was disappointed that many outlets that covered the fight called her and her family “drunk fools” and said “that was not the case.” 

She expressed appreciation for OutKick’s coverage and that’s why she wanted to reach out to tell us her story. 

The fan who took the videos of the fight also added, “I’ve seen some of what’s posted out there [about the fight] and it’s all bull.” 

If anyone else at the game saw what happened or was involved i📖n this altercation and wants to share their story, please feel free to email me:🔴