
The best, worst and downright weird moments from the first presidential debate

Editor’s note: After Thursday night’s showdown between President Biden and former President Donald Trump, The Post consulted a panel of experts to discuss what went right — and very, very wrong — for each candidate. These statements have been edited for clarity and accuracy. 

Here’s what they had to say:

Doug Muzzio, retired public affairs professor, Baruch College:

“This was a disaster for Biden. Many Democrats are looking for a new candidate after this debate.

Former President Donald Trump and President Biden during the first 2024 presidential election debate at CNN Atlanta studios in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 27, 2024. MICHAEL REYNOLDS/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

“Biden was tentative, rambling and sometimes incoherent.

“He literally froze on the Medicaid question. That was his worst moment.

“One of Biden’s better lines was saying Trump had the morals of an alley cat.

“Trump, on the other hand, was clear and relatively coherent. He looked like he knew what he was talking about. Even though he repeatedly lied, he lies in an articulate way.

“The most ironic statement was Trump calling Biden a total liar. He was projecting his own behavior. 

“But Biden was just awful — bumbling, stumbling, and inarticulate.”

Rob Ryan, GOP consultant, aide to former New York Gov. George Pataki:

“The worst moment for Biden was the initial shot of him and Trump side by side. It framed the whole debate.

“Biden looked washed out, had bad makeup and his voice was raspy. Trump had color in his face, looked and sounded vibrant. Trump looked and sounded 20 years younger.

“The second-wors🍌t moment for Biden was when 🐼he lost his train of thought about 10 minutes into the debate.

“Biden’s best moment was when he called Trump a ‘whiner’ regarding his challenge of the 2020 election.

“Trump’s worst moment [was] when he bit and argued about his golf handicap.

“Trump’s best moment extended through the debate, and was the fact that he did not get too nasty responding to Biden or go in for the kill. He let Biden be Biden, which is why Trump won the debate.”

Hank Sheinkopf, campaign aide to former President Bill Clinton and longtime political strategist:

“It was like two teenage boys in the schoolyard trying to knock the crap out of each other. They really don’t like each other.

“The worst moment for Biden was him constantly looking to the side of the stage. It looked like he didn’t know where he was or like Flash Gordon hit him with a ray gun.”

Follow the latest on Trump and Biden’s 2024 debate:

“Trump saying that we’ve been living in hell for three and a half years was a good line.

“Biden saying that Trump was the convicted felon on stage was great.

“Biden really hit Trump hard on the Charlottesville rally and what Trump said about Hitler. Those were good hits, but there were quite a few cringeworthy moments.

“There were several times when Biden wasn’t in control of himself. He was bumbling.

“Trump was much more clear — even when he made stuff up.

“Biden is a politician, Trump is an entertainer.

“Do you want a guy who stutters from time to time and is a decent fellow or an entertainer who is funny? Trump is funny, Biden is not funny.”

President Biden speaks in the first presidential debate of the 2024 elections at CNN’s studios in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 27, 2024. AFP via Getty Images

O’Brien “OB” Murray, campaign strategist:

“Normally older white guys talking about golf handicaps is bad. Tonight everything President Tr🏅ump said about the handicap [and how it relates to his age] was strong and everything President Biden said about that was weak.

“If this is as strong as President Biden does with seven days of rest, how is he on a daily basis?

“How many undecided voters in swing states saw how President Biden looked early on and stopped watching? 

“President Biden had a performance for radio … maybe. If you read the transcript, maybe President Biden did OK.

“Biden calling Trump an alley cat was weak. Trump calling Biden the ‘Manchurian candidate’ could have been stronger.

“Either way, I think voters prefer an alley cat to tonight’s performance by President Biden.

“Biden couldn’t even articulate the reason he can perform as president for the next four years. This was potentially the same as Sen. Ted Kennedy when he couldn’t answer why he was running for president [in 1979].

“President Trump was so relaxed and unfocused that he decided to talk golf when the same question went to him. This was a missed opportunity for President Trump but he still won that exchange with strength.

Former President Trump during the first presidential debate of the 2024 elections on Thursday night. Getty Images

Chris Coffey, campaign strategist, former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg aide

“The January 6th section and the convictions were tough moments for Trump and reminded voters of the chaos of the Trump years.

“Biden’s worst moments were when he tried to get into the policy weeds.

“His absolutely worst moment was the Medicare run-on sentence.

“It took Biden a few minutes to warm up, but he came on stronger and got angrier with Trump, which gave him his best moments.

“Trump needed a fact-checker, but the American people are smart enough to know a con when they see one.”