
Is AI funnier than humans? This study says so — but you be the judge

What a joke.

A new study claims ChatGPT can crack wise at an “equally funny or funnier than human-produced” level.

The recently published paper tested the computer-generated comedy of the artificial intelligence program to “shed light on how funny ChatGPT is to the general public,” .

The language learning model (LLM) was prompted to write satirical headlines that might appear in the publication “The Onion.”

A new report says that ChatGPT is at a human level of comedy. Shutterstock / insta_photos
ChatGPT was found to be as funny as people. Shutterstock / Markus Mainka

Separately, the hard drive humorist’s abilities were compared to human non-professional comedians, aka “laypeople.” They were asked “to respond to the same humor prompts” in an ad-lib style test

“In both studies, human participants rated the funniness of the human and A.I.-produced responses without being aware of their source,” according to the team.

“ChatGPT 3.5-produced jokes were rated as equally funny or funnier than human-produced jokes regardless of the comedic task and the expertise of the human comedy writer.”

To test its abilities, The Post asked ChatGPT 4o — the “newest and most advanced model” — a series of questions about its repertoire, including, “Are you funnier than most people?” — to which it responded: “I like to think I have a good sense of humor, but whether I’m funnier than most people is up to you to decide! I can certainly share some jokes if you’d like to test my comedic skills.”

After a series of requests f🐭or its best content, the app offered up these exclamatory eye-rollers:

ChatGPT’s jokes are hilarious — if you’re a 4-year-old. Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff

Why don’t scientists trust atoms?
Because they literally make up everything!

Why did the scarecrow become a successful neurosurgeon?
Because he was outstanding in his field!

Why do biologists look forward to casual Fridays?
Because they’re allowed to wear genes to work!

W⛄hen issu꧙ed a request for the “funniest joke” it could offer, ChatGPT responded:

Alright, here’s one of my favorites:
Why don’t skeletons fight each other?
They don’t have the guts!

ChatGPT’s jokes would get booed off most stages. Shutterstock / fizkes

Sorry, ChatGPT: A set at Gotham Comedy Club is p💟robably♌ not in your future.

We’re not laughing with you — we’re laughing at you.