
Dems gaslighting on Kamala’s ‘border czar’ role won’t save her

Clean up on aisle “Kamala.”

As The Post reported Wednesday, federal agents in El Paso, Texas were instructed to turn the city int🌊o a Po🎀temkin village for the veep’s visit in 2021, moving migrants from crowded holding facilities to hotels and braiding the hair of some who remained to give the impression (undoubtedly for the cameras) that everything was under control.

And now, trying to prop up Harris now that she’s replacing President Biden as the Democratic nominee, the administration and compliant media are desperately trying to remove the rotten, stinking albatross of the migrant crisis from her neck by claiming she was never actually “the Border Czar.”

Never mind that everyone was calling her that three years ago.

Nor that Kamala has been on the record for a decade as thinking illegal migrants shouldn’t be treated as criminals, nor actually turned away.

On Tuesday, Former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said: “She is not the border czar,” but only “assumed the role that Vice President Biden had during the Obama administration, which is diplomacy with Central America.”

Axios and other outlets fell right in line, the title and blaming the confusion, in part, on “early media misfires.”

When the whole Internet responded by citing Axios pieces that had described her as exactly that, the outlet went back and “corrected” those pieces.

Shameless, supreme gaslighting.

Look: No US official gets a job title with “czar” in it, but the usage is familiar.

Migrants lining up for transfer by US Border Patrol after crossing Bravo River in El Paso, Texas, viewed from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Migrants lining up for transfer by Border Patrol in El Paso, Texas in April 2024. AFP via Getty Images

And Biden put her in charge of addressing migration from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala in March 2021, specifically but not-necessarily exclusively tasked with addressing “root causes.”

And Harris plainly thought her duties went further: Why else did she make her infamous “do not come” speech to a crowd of Guatemalans in June 2021?

(Some 8 million more migrants came anyway, likely recognizing her warning as the meaningless ඣpolitically posturing that it was.)

She also released a strategy for “addressing the root causes of migration from Central America” a month later.

It’s also why she made that trip to El Paso that summer, complete with the clean-up job, too: Even Lester Holt had embarrassed her about not going.

Of course, she didn’t do much after that, nor could she: Biden w🌞as committed to opening the border and lying about it, Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayork🌠as had the frontline duty to see it happened.

And, really, “fixing” the Southern Triangle nations is an impossible task (nation-building, really) unrelated to actually stopping the tide.

Team Biden-Harris only talked about it as a different form of gaslighting, pretending they actually were doing something.

Anyway, within the year most illegal migrants weren’t coming from there, but from pretty much the whole planet — and nobody bothered pretending Kamala would address the “root causes” of Venezuela, Haiti, China, Tajikistan etc.

So Kamala all but gave up on doing anything, and the Washington press corps i🅠gnored it, just as the national media tried to bury the entire border nightmare: Covering it was bad for Democrats, after all.

Yes, it’s very mean of the Trump-Vance campaign to point to the Border Czar debacle as proof that Harris is a joke, but the fact is that she played along with that charade, coverups and all — just as she played along with the charade around Biden’s obvious mental decline.

She’ll never admit to playing along with all the lies, but it’s beyond sad that the only thing Democrats can think to do now is try to cover them up with more lies.