Human Interest

Large stone carving linked to 12th century Christianity discovered during home renovations: ‘Exceptionally significant find’

This was an “Extreme Makeover: Early Christianity Edition.”

A German man discovered a historically significant stone carving from the 12th century during recent home renovations in the town of Klotzow on the nation’s northern coast.

Just centim𒆙eters ღbelow the foundation of a home owned by a shocked Peter Wittenberg sat a three-foot boulder with the image of a person with a cross in front of their body.

A boulder with a Christian carving on it from the 12th century was discovered in Germany under a man’s home. WKM MV

“The significance of this find cannot be overestimated. The new find from Klotzow is the only one that could show a Christian dignitary,” in a statement.

Specifically, experts꧂ are drawing a connection to Bishop Otto van Bamberg, who is credited with bringing Christianity to the region, known as Pomerania, precisely 900 years ago in 1124.

A German man, Peter Wittenberg (left) discovered the stone while doing home improvements. He is pictured with Culture Minister Bettina Martin (center) and state archaeologist Detlef Jantzen. WKM MV

Jantzen added that the town “may also have played a role in Otto von Bamberg’s missionary journeys.”

Even if it is not Bamberg, there is still substance in any depiction of a foꦡllower of Christ from that time.

The stupendous stone was likely moved into Klotzow in the 1800s, according to the team of researchers behind the discovery. Its true origin — there are only five like it in the greater region — remains a mystery.

“We will now try to find out more about the original location of the stone,” said Jantzen.

As for homeowner Wittenberg, German officials say he “deserves thanks and the highest recognition” for quickly alerting authorities.

The stone discovery is linked to Otto of Bamberg, depicted above, a bishop who brought Christianity to northern Germany.

“With this exceptionally significant find, we can add another important piece to the mosaic of our country’s history,” said Minister of Culture Bettina Martin.

“The fact that a picture stone from this period has now been found exactly 900 years later is an extremely fortunate circumstance.”