
You probably don’t realize these 5 subtle behaviors are destroying your relationship

When things get tough in relationships, it’s very normal, natural and easy to✱ focus on your partner’s behaviors and the problems they bring to th🃏e relationship.

It’s much ༒harder to see your own contribution, reactions anꩵd role in relationship problems.

🎃However, if you just focus on your pওartner’s problems, you will continue to feel stuck and frustrated in life.

It is possible to bring positive change to your relationship through self-focus, reflecওtion and behavior change.

First though, you must r🌸eꦛcognize your own unhelpful behaviors – what I call “relationship-interfering behaviors.”

It’s much harder to see your own contribution, reactions and role in relationship problems. Nomad_Soul –

By doing this, you will build your insight muscle, and discover ways to strengthen ♈your relationship rather than weaken it.

Some relationship-interfering b🌸ehaviors are more obvious but still uncomfortable to admit – for example, any anger, from frustration to rage, being critical and mean to your 🔜partner or being passive-aggressive.

However, sometimes behaviors are less obvious and harder to identify. Here are five subtle behaviors that🌸 are harder to spot, but have the potential to dest♉roy your relationship:

1. Submission or Compliance

If you find yourself surrenderi⛄ng your needs and submitting to what your partner wants all the time, you’re in a submission and compliance dynamic.

You may feel you🍌’re making the relationship run smoother because you are avoiding feelin🤪gs of guilt or potential conflict.

However, this behavior is contributing to a negative relationship cycle. Relying on submission and compliance to defuseಞ conflict or avoid guilt means you are not being authentic.

Your genuine needs, wants and interests are not shared and not prioritized💧. This can lead to resentment within you and an imbalance in the relationship.

It can even result in your ♋partner respecting you less and your value in the relationship be✃ing reduced.

2. Entitlement

It’s not just people with narcissistic personality disorder whoꦰ are entitled. Each individual is at the center of their universe and, therefore, capable of entitlement.

Often people are blind to it. Entitlement might be as simple as feeling you deserve something and getting fiery wh🙈en you don’t rece𝓰ive it.

If you find yourself surrendering your needs and submitting to what your partner wants all the time, you’re in a submission and compliance dynamic. Getty Images

When present, this relaꦗtionship-inter🌳fering behavior means you are not willing to put yourself in an empathetic position to understand your partner’s needs.

Instead, you pursue your own needs with little compassion for them. Reflecting and identifying entitlement ♚requires deep commitment.

If you do not re🌄alize you are being entitled, you will likely remain stubborn in your puꦰrsuit with little awareness of the impact you are having on others and on your own reputation.

3. Over-functioning

Many partners feel like a parent in their relationship, dealing with under-functioning partn♕ers who constantly let them down.

Labelling their over-functioning as a problem seems unfair, because they’re picking up all the slack and doing ✅all the heavy lifting in the relationship.

However, let’s say you are taking care of 75 percent of all relationship requirements. That on♑ly leaves 25 percent of space 🤪for your partner to function. There is no room for them to step up.

Continuing to over-function enables their under-functioꦗning and causes you a lot of pain and stress because the dynamic does not change.

If you doꦉ not learn to step back, lower your standards and put in healthy boundaries, you will always feel like the parent in the relationship and that’s not fair to you.

4. Pursuing

Pursuing behaviors ref🔥ers to🐟 behaviors that are intense, insistent and persistent.

This could be repeatedly bringing up an issue in the relationship that nཧeeds resolving, insisting on an immediate behavior change from your partner, or passionately expressing opinion🎐s or desires.

Pursuing behaviors refers to behaviors that are intense, insistent and persistent. Prostock-studio –

Pursuing behaviors are coꌿmmonly driven by feelings of anxiety, overwhelm and insecurity, making people feel required to address issues in the relationship.

Such behaviors, however, can come across as controlling and bossy. U🌟nsurprisingly, these pursuing behaviors can lead partners to feel controlled and pestered, resulting in avoidance and distancing.

5. Avoidance

If you dodge 💦the difficult conversations and issues, you are engaging in avoidant beha﷽viours.

Avoid🏅ance leads to communication procrastination and white lies. Internally, the behavior is driven by the desire to avoid conflict or friction, and so feels rational or justifiable.

However, when you avoid a problem or issue in the relationship, it inevitably surfaces and you end up dealing with the problem at hand pꦗlus the fallout from the avoidance.

This ♑means double the problem an𝔍d double the stress.

These subtle r🌱elationship-interfering behaviors are not initially in our awareness. But 🍰by reflecting on them you are able to learn and grow from them.

Blind🔴 spots are normal, allowing you to adopt a position th♔at makes you feel more comfortable. This is a very human response.

However, identifying your relationship-interfering behaviors is life-changing as they provide you with multiple points of change to m♏ake your relationship better.