
The three most unstable zodiac signs in astrology

Unhinged, unpredictable, short 🌳fused and live wired, who is the most unstable sign in the zodiac?

I wrestled with writing this unholy trinity, and as a Taurus that wrestling looked like eating peanut butter with a fork, buying a second hand sweater I don’t need off the internet and grappling with the fact that my bull brethren are an unstable lot, or herd as it were.

It’s tempting to let water do the work and call out Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces as the most unstable signs in the zodiac, as they tend to lead with the most unstable element of all, human emotion. But, unmoored is the constant state of water signs and though their moods move like weather, they are accustomed to the shifts and adept at drawing energy a👍n🍒d inspiration from them.

When we view the zodiac as a progression of life, from birth to dissolution, the first three signs in the zodiac, Aries, Taurus and Gemini repr🐠esent our infancy, our possessive toddler tendencies and our reactive, unfiltered, manic child selves.

With this in mind I bring you a list of the zodi𒁏ac sings most inclined to lose their minds. Read on and remain calm.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

An unstable Aries in their Christmas habitat. Shutterstock

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and they come out kicking, with gasoline afterbirth and by Motorhead as their infernal lullaby. Ruled by warrior planet Mars, patron of getting it on, getting it done ꧟and having it their way ﷽Aries is the most impulsive, impatient and easy to infuriate of all the signs. Just like infants, Aries have poor impulse control, high decibel demands and are libel to ruin an evening out with a meltdown over lukewarm tit milk and poor service.

On the upswing, their intensity is untenable so while the fires may flare, they rarely burn for long. Add to this that the instability of the average Aries can be downright inspiring. As a ram friend oft reminds me, ‘your anger loves you and it wants you to be happy.’ In this sense, Aries addresses without fail what needs of must be met and what action must be taken.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

When the creature comforts of a Taurus and/or their financial stability is threatened they are prone to lose their s**t. iStockphoto

Taurus may seem like an unlikely candidate for instability as they usually present as solid and even unshakable. Yet, beneath the veneer of control is a serious anxiousness about everything falling apart. Taurus is a fixed earth sign and as such can’t really roll with flux, preferring the pain of the familiar to the wild winds of change. Taurus rules the second house of values and possessions, creature comforts and extra guac and when their financial security or personal plushness is compromised they lose their sh–.

Bulls are notorious for taking on too much responsibility and refusing to ask for, or accept help from anyone, ever, a real recipe for rocky. The fixed nature of the sign also implies an affinity for fixed ideas and dangerous ideologies. Not for nothing some of the most unstable, unreasonable and flat out tyrannical people the the history of the world have fallen under the sign of Taurus, including but not limited to  , Adolf HitlerVladimir Lenin, Saddam HusseinJim ‘drink the Kool-Aid’ Jones  and . 

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

A Gemini shortly before forgetting what upset them. iStockphoto

Rather than resist instability, Gemini writhes and rides i♎t li♕ke the bipolar, neck tattooed car thief it is.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet with the 🥀most unstable orbit in our humble solar system. In terms of archetype, Mercury is named for the Greek god of messaging, a coyote trickster with winged heels who spoke in riddles, poems, and inflammatory gossip and whose range ran from the Hades held underworld to the heavens above.

The mind of the Gemini is equally as expansive, adaptive and extreme. Truth is elastic and time a flat circle to the Gemini who is ever consuming, distilling and reframing/falsifying information. Rather than resist instability, Gemini writhes and rides it like the bipolar, neck tattooed car thief it is. Examples of shaky Geminis with a dubious relationship to the truth include Carole ‘may or may not have fed my husband to tigers’ Baskin, Kanye West, Donald Trump and Scott Disick.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer  researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.